the Radio Attic

Gallery of Transistor Radios
Radios that use solid-state components rather than vacuum tubes for signal detection and amplification. Includes crystal radios and "hybrid" radios that use a combination of tubes and transistors.

Click on any item to go to its Attic page.
Admiral Y2411GP
Admiral Y2411GP

Airline GEN-1202
Airline GEN-1202

Airline GTM-1200A
Airline GTM-1200A

AMC 6TR-22
AMC 6TR-22

Angel Boys Radio
Angel Boys Radio

Belcor Plata TR-2003  (1963)
Belcor Plata TR-2003 (1963)

Big Giant 6 Transistor
Big Giant 6 Transistor

Browni 8 Transistor
Browni 8 Transistor

Bubo Clash of the Titans Owl Radio
Bubo Clash of the Titans Owl Radio

Bulova 740
Bulova 740

Bulova 1140
Bulova 1140

Bulova 1420
Bulova 1420

Bulova 1430
Bulova 1430

Channel Master 6510 (1960s)
Channel Master 6510 (1960s)

Channel Master 6514 (1959)
Channel Master 6514 (1959)

Channel Master 6514 AM/Marine (1959)
Channel Master 6514 AM/Marine (1959)

Channel Master 6515
Channel Master 6515
Was $160.00, now $104.00!

Channel Master 6515B
Channel Master 6515B

Channel Master 6515 (1960s)
Channel Master 6515 (1960s)

Channel Master 6515 "Super Fringe" Boxed Set (1960s)
Channel Master 6515 "Super Fringe" Boxed Set (1960s)

Commodore 1450 (1965?)
Commodore 1450 (1965?)

Crystal Radio
Crystal Radio
Was $225.00, now $146.25!

Danube G-607
Danube G-607

Delmonico 6-TRS by Sharp
Delmonico 6-TRS by Sharp

Emerson 869
Emerson 869

Emerson 977 Falcon
Emerson 977 Falcon

Encore Clock Radio

General Electric 7-2927A
General Electric 7-2927A

General Electric P-816A
General Electric P-816A

General Electric P830C
General Electric P830C

General Electric P-831A
General Electric P-831A

General Electric P-845A
General Electric P-845A

General Electric P885-W
General Electric P885-W

General Electric P945A
General Electric P945A

General Electric P1700A
General Electric P1700A

General Electric P1700A
General Electric P1700A

General Electric P2720A Rechargeable
General Electric P2720A Rechargeable

Global GR-900
Global GR-900

Golden Shield 7188
Golden Shield 7188

Golden Star 6 Transistor
Golden Star 6 Transistor

Goliath P-156S
Goliath P-156S

Grundig Micro-Boy 201
Grundig Micro-Boy 201

Grundig Micro Boy 201
Grundig Micro Boy 201

Hitachi TH-622
Hitachi TH-622

Hitachi TH-627R
Hitachi TH-627R

Hitachi TH-650
Hitachi TH-650

Hitachi TH666
Hitachi TH666
Was $150.00, now $97.50!

Honeytone 6 Transistor
Honeytone 6 Transistor

Ida NTR-120
Ida NTR-120

Imperial 6YR-21
Imperial 6YR-21

Imperial Boy*s Radio
Imperial Boy*s Radio

Jefferson Travis JT-G204
Jefferson Travis JT-G204

Jewel T.S.-10
Jewel T.S.-10

Jewel T.S.-10
Jewel T.S.-10

Jewel T.S.-10
Jewel T.S.-10

Lifelong Turntable Radio
Lifelong Turntable Radio

Maco AB-175 AM/SW
Maco AB-175 AM/SW

Magnavox 99 AM/FM
Magnavox 99

Magnavox AM-2
Magnavox AM-2

Magnavox AM-80
Magnavox AM-80

Master-Craft De Luxe
Master-Craft De Luxe

Matsushita T-50 (by Panasonic)
Matsushita T-50 (by Panasonic)

Mellow-Tone Six Transistor
Mellow-Tone Six Transistor

Melodic MT-60
Melodic MT-60

Mickey & Co "Mickey Mouse" MC-234
Mickey & Co "Mickey Mouse" MC-234

Mickey and Minnie Tunes Radio
Mickey and Minnie Tunes Radio

Midge BR-760
Midge BR-760

Mini Classic AQ-8005
Mini Classic AQ-8005

Mitsubishi 3X-345 Earphone-Only Radio (Japan)
Mitsubishi 3X-345 Earphone-Only Radio (Japan)

Modernage 612
Modernage 612

Monarch 610
Monarch 610

Motorola CX2B (1963)
Motorola CX2B (1963)
Was $175.00, now $113.75!

Motorola X15E
Motorola X15E

Motorola X27E
Motorola X27E

Motorola X56E
Motorola X56E

Napco 6 Transistor
Napco 6 Transistor

National AB-155 (Japan, 1958)
National AB-155 (Japan, 1958)


Nobility 6000
Nobility 6000

Nuvox Boys Radio (1958)
Nuvox Boys Radio (1958)

Orion Super 12
Orion Super 12

Orion TR8
Orion TR8
Was $95.00, now $61.75!

Pacific 6 Transistor
Pacific 6 Transistor

Panasonic R-1070
Panasonic R-1070

Panasonic R-1076
Panasonic R-1076

Panasonic R-1241
Panasonic R-1241

Panasonic R-1241
Panasonic R-1241

Panasonic R1241
Panasonic R1241
Was $25.00, now $16.25!

Panasonic R1326
Panasonic R1326
Was $65.00, now $42.25!

Panasonic R-1492
Panasonic R-1492

Panasonic RE-7259
Panasonic RE-7259

Panasonic RE-7300 (1970)
Panasonic RE-7300 (1970)

Panasonic RE-7369 (1974)
Panasonic RE-7369 (1974)

Panasonic RF -900
Panasonic RF -900

Panasonic T-601
Panasonic T-601

Panorama KR-6TS60 ("Panorama 60")
Panorama KR-6TS60 ("Panorama 60")

Pateks Boy's Radio Boxed Set (1962)
Pateks Boy's Radio Boxed Set (1962)

Peerless 777
Peerless 777

Peerless 830
Peerless 830

Penncrest 3945
Penncrest 3945

J.C. Penney 6TP-243 by Toshiba
J.C. Penney 6TP-243 by Toshiba

Philco T-67GP
Philco T-67GP

Philco T500-124
Philco T500-124

Philco T-500-124 (1957)
Philco T-500-124 (1957)

Philco Transistor Bookshelf Radio
Philco Transistor Bookshelf Radio

Playboy HiFi 6
Playboy HiFi 6

Polaroid 600 Plus Radio
Polaroid 600 Plus Radio

Pollak's Mite-Size Crystal Radio

Queen MTR-203 Boys Radio
Queen MTR-203 Boys Radio
Was $95.00, now $61.75!

RCA 9-BT-9E (1957)
RCA 9-BT-9E (1957)

Realistic 12-166 (1970)
Realistic 12-166 (1970)
Was $55.00, now $35.75!

Realistic Flavoradio - Yellow
Realistic Flavoradio - Yellow

Realtone TR861 (1961)
Realtone TR861 (1961)
Was $100.00, now $65.00!

Rhapsody RY-867
Rhapsody RY-867

Sampson SC4000
Sampson SC4000

Samsonic Spice Rack (1968)
Samsonic Spice Rack (1968)

Sanyo 6C-022
Sanyo 6C-022

Satelite "6 Transistor HiFi"
Satelite "6 Transistor HiFi"

Sears 2213
Sears 2213

Sharp TR-173 "Collie"
Sharp TR-173 "Collie"

Sharp TR-235A AM/SW (Japan)
Sharp TR-235A AM/SW (Japan)

Silvertone 47 Clock Radio (Late 1960s)
Silvertone 47 (Late 1960s)

Silvertone 1202
Silvertone 1202

Skymaster 6G-620
Skymaster 6G-620

Sony 2R-28
Sony 2R-28

Sony TR-810
Sony TR-810

Sony TR-817
Sony TR-817

Sorrento T-666
Sorrento T-666

Spica ST600
Spica ST600
Was $155.00, now $100.75!

Spice ST-600
Spice ST-600

Standard Micronic Ruby SR-G430 (1964)
Standard Micronic Ruby SR-G430 (1964)

Standard SR-F300A "Piccolo" (Japan)
Standard SR-F300A "Piccolo" (Japan)

Standard SR-G433
Standard SR-G433

Standard SR-H170 (Japan)
Standard SR-H170 (Japan)

Stellar 6 Transistor
Stellar 6 Transistor

Stellar 8 Transistor
Stellar 8 Transistor

Sylvania T-5 (1957)
Sylvania T-5 (1957)

Tempest Six
Tempest Six
Was $125.00, now $81.25!

Thomas 511 (1989)
Thomas 511 (1989)

Tom Thumb TT600
Tom Thumb TT600

Toshiba 6TP-309
Toshiba 6TP-309

Toshiba 6TP-335 (Japan)
Toshiba 6TP-335 (Japan)

Toshiba 6TP-385
Toshiba 6TP-385

Toshiba 7TH-425 (1961) Wall Mount Radio
Toshiba 7TH-425 (1961) Wall Mount Radio

Trancel T11 (1960)
Trancel T11 (1960)
Was $55.00, now $35.75!

Universal PTR-81B
Universal PTR-81B

Universal PTR-628
Universal PTR-628
Was $125.00, now $81.25!

Viscount Six Transistor
Viscount Six Transistor

Viscount Ten Transistor Radio
Viscount Ten

Weltron 2001 Space Helmet (1971)
Weltron 2001 Space Helmet (1971)

Wendell-West CR-18
Wendell-West CR-18

Westinghouse H-707P6GPA
Westinghouse H-707P6GPA

Westinghouse H790P6 (1961)
Westinghouse H790P6 (1961)

Westinghouse RS21P08A "Escort"
Westinghouse RS21P08A "Escort"

White Eight Transistor
White Eight Transistor

Wild Planet DJ AM Transmitter
Wild Planet DJ AM Transmitter

Windsor M-9M
Windsor M-9M

York TR-63
York TR-63

Zenith Royal 40
Zenith Royal 40

Zenith Royal 50L (1962)
Zenith Royal 50L (1962)

Zenith Royal 500
Zenith Royal 500

Zenith Royal 500A (1956)
Zenith Royal 500A (1956)

Zenith Royal 500E (1959)
Zenith Royal 500E (1959)

Zenith Royal 500N (1965)
Zenith Royal 500N (1965)

Zenith Royal 500 (1958)
Zenith Royal 500 (1958)

Zenith Royal 2000 Trans-Symphony (1962)
Zenith Royal 2000 Trans-Symphony (1962)

Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)
Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)
Was $485.00, now $425.00!

Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)
Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)

Zenith Royal D7000Y Trans-Oceanic (1978)
Zenith Royal D7000Y Trans-Oceanic (1978)
Was $445.00, now $395.00!

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