Here was an interesting find. I thought I had found a Pilot Radio model Gothic and jumped at the opportunity to own it. Pilot was one of the best factories going and their radios are considered by advanced collectors as real finds. The discovery here was this was a clone of the Pilot model, an exact copy! The radio inside is a decent set, with a seven-tube TRF circuit (an earlier and more primitive electronic circuit). Yet it plays particularly well off a pair of #45 triode output tubes. The cabinet is a special one, with a fine original finish, and what appears to be period correct speaker cloth. Note the high grade embossed wooden knobs, which along with the other plaques makes a very impressive look. My technician has completed his though professional repairs and the radio plays remarkably well. Added to the electronics is a mini-jack to allow your connection of any modern type of device. Now you are able to listen to any type of content you might wish. Add a Bluetooth device for only $25 additional! 18-1/4"H x 17"W x 10-1/2"D. |
Here was an interesting find. I thought I had found a Pilot Radio model Gothic and jumped at the opportunity to own it. Pilot was one of the best factories going and their radios are considered by advanced collectors as real finds. The discovery here was this was a clone of the Pilot model, an exact copy! The radio inside is a decent set, with a seven-tube TRF circuit (an earlier and more primitive electronic circuit). Yet it plays particularly well off a pair of #45 triode output tubes. The cabinet is a special one, with a fine original finish, and what appears to be period correct speaker cloth. Note the high grade embossed wooden knobs, which along with the other plaques makes a very impressive look. My technician has completed his though professional repairs and the radio plays remarkably well. Added to the electronics is a mini-jack to allow your connection of any modern type of device. Now you are able to listen to any type of content you might wish. Add a Bluetooth device for only $25 additional! 18-1/4"H x 17"W x 10-1/2"D. |
Reported sold by Lew Magrish on October 31, 2020 Listed price on date of sale - $795.00 |
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