Here is an unusual early home built regenerative radio. I've never seen another with the tube sticking out of the front of the receiver like this. The old paper tag on top says it dates from 1918. This is definitely old and a real head turner! Nobody else has one like this for sure! As always, I will pack extremely well to make sure it arrives safely to you. Supplied with one display 01A tube. A one of a kind and early radio! |
Here is an unusual early home built regenerative radio. I've never seen another with the tube sticking out of the front of the receiver like this. The old paper tag on top says it dates from 1918. This is definitely old and a real head turner! Nobody else has one like this for sure! As always, I will pack extremely well to make sure it arrives safely to you. Supplied with one display 01A tube. A one of a kind and early radio! |
Reported sold by C. Dockery on March 23, 2011 Listed price on date of sale - $115.00 |
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