Jeff Buda's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since November 2011"

the Radio Attic

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Silvertone 6409 (1940)
(plastic tube table radio)

Silvertone 6409 (1940)

NEW!Posted for your consideration is the iconic machine age/Deco Silvertone 6409 from 1940. The radio has a beautiful sheen with No cracks/chips. May need a tune-up as it is only receiving a couple local stations.  $119.00. (1240073)

Silvertone 6409 (1940)

NEW!Posted for your consideration is the iconic machine age/Deco Silvertone 6409 from 1940. The radio has a beautiful sheen with No cracks/chips. May need a tune-up as it is only receiving a couple local stations.  $119.00. (1240073)
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