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Zenith radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Forrest Anderson's Radio Attic.

Zenith G500 Trans-Oceanic (1949)
(suitcase tube portable radio w/SW)

Zenith G500 Trans-Oceanic (1949)


Cabinet overall in very nice condition; a few scuffs. Built in antenna with provision to remove and attach to window has dipole antenna and provision for external antenna. Four switchable tone controls. Has broadcast and five shortwave bands to 40 megacycles. Very good reception all bands. Restrung dial assembly and replaced selenium power supply with diode circuitry. Checked alignment.

Zenith G500 Trans-Oceanic (1949)


Cabinet overall in very nice condition; a few scuffs. Built in antenna with provision to remove and attach to window has dipole antenna and provision for external antenna. Four switchable tone controls. Has broadcast and five shortwave bands to 40 megacycles. Very good reception all bands. Restrung dial assembly and replaced selenium power supply with diode circuitry. Checked alignment.

Reported sold by Forrest Anderson on January 24, 2025
Listed price on date of sale - $189.00
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