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Atwater Kent radios sold!
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Atwater Kent 206 (1934)
(wood tube cathedral radio w/SW)

Atwater Kent 206 (1934)


Atwater Kent out of Philadelphia built quality radios and sold many sets at fair prices. The 206 retailed for $49.95 in 1934, but manufactured during the depression years of the 30's. Those who could afford them had a well-built and beautiful high-performance radio for their homes. I consider the model 206 to be Atwater Kent's most beautiful table radio design. Manufacturers starting to bridge the gap between cathedral and tombstone designs, and the 206 is a good example of that. The design has stood the test of time as there is a newer reproduction radio utilizing this iconic cabinet design. The model 206 is a six-tube, three-band (AM,SWx2) radio. Some of the features are individual lights for each band, three tone control settings, two-speed tuning, AVC and a larger speaker. We replaced all of the capacitors with modern equivalents. The resistors and tubes were checked and replaced where needed. A new cloth power cord, audio input cable and long antenna lead were installed. The radio was aligned and plays with good tone control and plenty of volume. Gary Marvin did a masterful job stripping and refinishing the radio. Notice the factory shadowing effect that he perfectly applied, ending up with a "piano" lacquer finish. The knobs, speaker, chassis and grille cloth are all original. This radio doesn't show up very often, and it's the first one we've had on our Attic. One of the more iconic radios from the 30's and priced to sell. 18"H x 14"W x 9-1/2"D.

Atwater Kent 206 (1934)


Atwater Kent out of Philadelphia built quality radios and sold many sets at fair prices. The 206 retailed for $49.95 in 1934, but manufactured during the depression years of the 30's. Those who could afford them had a well-built and beautiful high-performance radio for their homes. I consider the model 206 to be Atwater Kent's most beautiful table radio design. Manufacturers starting to bridge the gap between cathedral and tombstone designs, and the 206 is a good example of that. The design has stood the test of time as there is a newer reproduction radio utilizing this iconic cabinet design. The model 206 is a six-tube, three-band (AM,SWx2) radio. Some of the features are individual lights for each band, three tone control settings, two-speed tuning, AVC and a larger speaker. We replaced all of the capacitors with modern equivalents. The resistors and tubes were checked and replaced where needed. A new cloth power cord, audio input cable and long antenna lead were installed. The radio was aligned and plays with good tone control and plenty of volume. Gary Marvin did a masterful job stripping and refinishing the radio. Notice the factory shadowing effect that he perfectly applied, ending up with a "piano" lacquer finish. The knobs, speaker, chassis and grille cloth are all original. This radio doesn't show up very often, and it's the first one we've had on our Attic. One of the more iconic radios from the 30's and priced to sell. 18"H x 14"W x 9-1/2"D.

Reported sold by Joe Millward on July 16, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $895.00
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