Joe Cipriano's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since February 2025"

the Radio Attic

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Addison 2
(Catalin tube table radio)

Addison 2

Beautifully Marbleized, Dark Blue with intense white swirls. Very stylized Art Deco that features the famous "waterfall" speaker grille with surround bumpers with speed-lines. This radio is absolutely beautiful. It turns on, lights up and tunes in AM radio perfectly.  $2,250.00. (1880001)

Addison 2

Beautifully Marbleized, Dark Blue with intense white swirls. Very stylized Art Deco that features the famous "waterfall" speaker grille with surround bumpers with speed-lines. This radio is absolutely beautiful. It turns on, lights up and tunes in AM radio perfectly.  $2,250.00. (1880001)
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