the Radio Attic

Scott Thomas' Attic

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Philco 37-60 (1937)Silvertone 3351 (1940)Arvin 441T "Hopalong Cassidy" (1951)Zenith 6-S-128 (1937)Silvertone 8003 (1949)Zenith 808 (1935)Emerson 336 (1941)Trav-Ler 5060 (1950)Atwater Kent 82 (1931)Zenith 7-S-432 (1940)
Crosley 66TA (1946)Zenith 808Admiral L51-K6 (1939)Graymark 521 One-Tube Radio KitPhilco 48-200 Transitone (1948)Emerson 587BDelco R-1157 "Playboy" (1939)Zenith 6-S-632 (1942)
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