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General Electric radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Mike's Vintage Radios.

General Electric 422 (1951)
(Plaskon tube table radio)

General Electric 422 (1951)


Very nice Plaskon swirl cabinet in excellent condition. Six-tube AC-DC radio with tuned RF amp. Complete restoration, all wax paper and filter capacitors replaced. All tubes tested and replaced if needed. All resistors checked and replaced if out of range. This radio has been upgraded to be completely safe with modern house wiring up to code. Complete alignment performed. This set looks and plays great. An outstanding addition to any radio collection. 13"W x 9"H x 8"D.

General Electric 422 (1951)


Very nice Plaskon swirl cabinet in excellent condition. Six-tube AC-DC radio with tuned RF amp. Complete restoration, all wax paper and filter capacitors replaced. All tubes tested and replaced if needed. All resistors checked and replaced if out of range. This radio has been upgraded to be completely safe with modern house wiring up to code. Complete alignment performed. This set looks and plays great. An outstanding addition to any radio collection. 13"W x 9"H x 8"D.

Reported sold by Mike McCrow on July 17, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $225.00
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