the Radio Attic

Radios sold at the Radio Attic in 2013

Here are the 1,015 radios sold in 2013 at the Radio Attic!
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Setchell-Carlson 58A-375 "The Jet" (1949)Detrola 3234 Tombstone (1938)Zenith L600 Trans-Oceanic (1954)Crosley "Fiver" TombstoneCrosley CR-9 Diner Jukebox AM/FM/Radio/CassetteTruetone D1144 Grand Console (1942)Miami Dolphins Helmet RadioZenith 805 Cathedral (1934)Olympic 6A-501 (1946)Emerson 724B (early 1950s)
Zenith Royal 500H Transistor Radio Gift Set (1961)Zenith Royal 500H Transistor Radio Gift Set (1961)Motorola 57X11 (1947)Musicale Phonograph Music BoxPackard-Bell 100A (1949)Sylvania Tube CaddyThorophone S-5 Horn SpeakerFarnsworth ET-064 (1946)Olympic Opta Bella Luxus Type 5711W (1958)Crosley 167 Tombstone
Zenith 5-D-610 (1941)Philco 41-226 (1941)Zenith Promotional Advertising Glasses (Tumblers), Set of FourToshiba IC70 (1969)Westinghouse H-738P7 Portable (1960)Delco R1228 (1947)Onkyo TX-20 Tuner/AmplifierWestinghouse H-742T4 (1956)Zenith Royal 150 (1962)Zenith Royal 59 (1966)
Philco 42-327 (1942)Zenith Royal 450 (1958)Philco 40-130 (1940)Zenith 8G005YTZ1 Trans-Oceanic (1948)Admiral 5E22 (1951)Silvertone 6050 (1942)RCA 95X1 (1938)Stewart-Warner 91-531 (1938)Philco PT-30 (1941)Arkay 5SE (1947)
Radiola 61-8 (1947)Emerson 547A (1947)St. Regis (International Kadette) Radio (1937)Realistic 12-750 "Patrolman 6"National SW-54 Communications Receiver (1955)Knight 98AE4304 (1938)Stewart-Warner Varsity (1940)Admiral 4202-B6 "Beetle Plaskon" (1941)Zenith L727 Clock Radio (1964)Silvertone 1965 Console (1936)
Stromberg-Carlson 951H (1941)Radiola 106 Tapestry Powered SpeakerPeerless 630 Pocket Transistor (1969)Stewart-Warner 9160K (1952)Continental 5-A (1939)Detrola 146 (1937)Zenith 908 Tombstone (1935)Airline 74BR-1507A (1949)Philco 80 CathedralTele-Tone 196 (1949)
Zenith Royal R16L2 Transistor (1960s)RCA 8X521 (1948)Atwater Kent 944 Cathedral (1934)Bulova 300 (1957)Columbia Phonograph C-31 Cathedral (1932)Motorola 52X (1952)General Electric 124 (1949)Gilfillan 4-T (1934)General Electric 220 (1946)RCA 5T Tombstone
Zenith 8-S-154 ConsoleZenith Royal 755 Deluxe (1960)Zenith Royal 50H (1961)Zenith 6-S-632 (1942)RCA 25XZenith Royal 50H in Black (1961)Trav-Ler 5002 LookalikePhilco 84B Cathedral, Second (late) Style (1935)Stutz 1931 Coupe Radio Atwater Kent 217 Cathedral (1933)
Kadette 66 (1935)Zenith M730 AM/FM (1959)Silvertone 6120 (1939)Majestic 381 Pirate Treasure Chest (1933)Radiola 61-8 (1947)Majestic 5A410 (1946)Crosley E-15TN (1953)Clarion Jr AC-60 Cathedral (1931)Bendix 55L3U (1949)Silvertone 2001 (1950)
Stewart-Warner 9160 (1952)RCA Unknown ModelRCA 75X11 (1948)RCA 6-XD-5B "Nipper" (1955)Philco 16B TombstoneEmerson R153 (1937)Airline WG-1801 (1946)Silvertone 15 (1951)Sears 6024 (1967)Marlboro Transistor Radio (Japan)
Panasonic R-1013 (1970-71)Arrow 623 (1973)O.M.G.S. PTR-102N Pocket Transistor (1963)Pilot 121 or 121X Country Special Battery RadioRCA 9TX-3 "Little Nipper" (1939)Philco PT-43 (1939)Airline 62-306 (1937)Setchell-Carlson 416 "Frogeye" (1946)General Electric YRB60-2 (1948)Zenith 5G403 Portable (1940)
Philco 37-610 (1937)Big Ben 80192Westinghouse RLA3190 Pen Set Clock RadioSony TR-6400 Transistor PortableCrosley CR2 Replica (Butterscotch)Imperial 57A (1935)Airline 62-256 (1937)Arvin 442 (1948)Emerson BL214 (1938)Zenith Royal 500E (1959)
Essex Portable Reel to Reel Recorder (1959)Magnavox FM47 (1961)General Electric P1700A (1966)Zenith G730 AM/FM (1959)Zenith Y-600 Trans-Oceanic (1957)General Television Radio (late 1940s)RCA 16X2 (1941)General Electric 422Trav-Ler 5000 (1947)Emerson 514 (1947)
Philco 40-124 (1940)Westinghouse H-558P4 Portable (1957)Zenith H615-WZenith H-615ZY-P (1951)Zenith 230 Tombstone (1933)General Electric 114 (1946)Zenith Y600 Trans-Oceanic (1956)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1964)Zenith R512-R "Broadway" (1955)Zenith 6-D-614 (1942)
Philco 49-900 (1949)Arvin 540T (1951)Crosley 9-122W (1949)Coronado Clipper 05RA33-43-8137 (1951)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)General Electric P-726B (1958)Packard-Bell 46H (1939)Zenith G503 Universal Portable Arvin 160T (1948)Stromberg-Carlson C-1 Clock Radio (1950s)
Zenith Royal 500H Deluxe (1962)Emerson Radio (1947)Zenith J616 Clock Radio (1952)Crosley 9-120W (1948)Emerson 637 Television (1949)Philco 46-250 (1946)Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Watch Tower Portable Phonograph (1930s)RCA 2X61 (1953)Silvertone 3251 (1939)
RCA Portable Reel to Reel Recorder (1960s)Zenith Royal 500 (1958)Zenith Royal 16 R-16L Transistor (1960s)Zenith 5-S-228 Tombstone (1938)Silvertone 3027 Clock RadioTrav-Ler 5028A Portable (1948)Zenith H-664 Radio Phonograph (1951)Mitchell 1403 Clock Radio (1952)Philco 53-561 (1953)Galaxy GE-1001 (1960s)
Westinghouse 501 (1948)Zenith L480W AM/FM Stereo Clock RadioZenith Royal 50L (1962)Westinghouse H-188 (1948)Motorola 56H "Torpedo" (1956)Imperial 71A Tombstone (1933)Zenith L505 Portable (1953)Silvertone 7054 (1942)Silvertone 2General Electric GD-500 (1939)
Sonora WAU-243 (1939)Westinghouse H-125 "Refrigerator" Radio (1946)Arvin 440T (1950)Motorola 53H (1953)Arvin 540T (1951)Zenith 288 Tombstone (1934)Sylvania 543M Clock Radio (1952)Crosley E10B (early 1950s)RCA (by Graetz) 67QR73-FM-W (1953)Coronado 05RA37-43-8360A (1949)
Philco PT-43 (1939)Musicaire 5066 (1949)General Electric L-650 (1942)Westinghouse H161 AM/FM (1948)Atwater Kent 40 w/"E" Speaker (1928)General Electric GD60 (1938)Mirror Tone CA-500General Electric 810 Television (1948)Zenith Royal 400 and Case (1961)Marconi 49 Tombstone (1924-Canada)
Lyric S-50 Cathedral by Wurlitzer (1933)Silvertone 1589 Cathedral (1933)Hallicrafters S-38D AM/CW Shortwave Receiver (1954-1959)Zenith A513-R (1956)Mitchell 1250 (1949)Bulova 300 (1957)Bulova 300 (1957)Stewart-Warner C51T2 (1948)Silvertone 9000 (1949)Atwater Kent 206 Tombstone (1934)
Zenith 1000D Trans-Oceanic (1960)Setchell-Carlson P61 Television (1955)Sentinel 286P "Treasure Chest" Portable (1947)Air Queen 701 (1938)National Panasonic RE-744 (1960)Overland Stage Express RadioAtwater Kent 84 Cathedral (1931)Westinghouse 501 (1948)Philco 38-12 (1938)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)
Truetone D-727 (1938)Zenith 10-S-668 Console (1942)Sparton of Canada 618 (1936)Howard H68 (1938)Silvertone 4565 (1937)Detrola 139EA "Ebony" (1937)General Electric F-82 (Canada, 1938)Raid AM/FM Novelty RadioGuild 380T "Town Crier"Crosley E-10R
Zenith 12-S-266 "Robot" Dial Console (1938)Emerson A130 (1937)Philco A52CK (1940)Sentinel Farm Radio (1949)RCA 2-X-61 (1953)Belmont 6-D-111 (1946)FADA Series 33 (1940)Telechron 8H67 Clock Radio (1948)RCA 94X1 (1938)Kenwood PS-30 Power Supply
Emerson 440 (1942)Zenith T600 Trans-Oceanic (1955)Philco 40-120 (1940)Crosley D-25-MN Clock Radio (1953)Guild 557 "Country Belle" (1958)Philco T993GY Convertible TransistorCraftsman 331 Multiband PortableSony CRF-5100 "Earth Orbiter" (1979)RCA RA/DA Radiola Grand Mystery RadioStage Coach Radio
Zenith Royal 1000-D Trans-Oceanic (1958)Guitar Transistor RadioEmerson DY349Zenith 7-S-240 Chairside (1938)FADA P-111 (1950)Emerson 610A (1949)Olympic MM235 PhonographZenith R-512V "Broadway" (1954)Arvin 441T "Hopalong Cassidy" (1950)Abbotwares Z477 Bareback Horse Radio (1949)
National Panasonic RF-1400 (1965)Zenith 7-S-53 Console (1936)RCA 121 Cathedral (1933)Silvertone 1705 (1933)Airline 14BR-530 (1940)General Electric T101A (1960)Arvin 664 (1947)Victor Lumier 1 SpeakerUnknown German RadioTruetone D-2210 (1940)
Stewart-Warner 9164-A (1952)Sentinel RadioMajestic 651-EB (1937)Silvertone 9011 (1959)Emerson 833B Clock Radio (1958)Zenith 705 (1933)Zenith R623G Clock Radio (1955)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Calvacade 56 (1934)
Crosley Radio (early 1940s)Clarion C-110 (1940)ITT Pocket Transistor (1956)Zenith 6-D-315 (1939)Zenith 6-D-630Silvertone 3454 (1954)Crosley Replica Radio by ThomasAdmiral 6C22AN (1954)Zenith 6-S-439 (1940)Elvis Presley Radio
Zenith MJ1035-1 AM/FM (1963)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)Truetone D1016 (1942)Northern Electric 56 (1934)Zenith 12-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Zenith Royal 300 (1957)Zenith Royal 705 Portable (1963)Atwater Kent 55 Console (1929)Airline WG-1804 (1946)Truetone "Victory" (1942)
Zenith Royal 50H in Red (1961)Zenith Royal 60 in White (1963)Zenith Royal 760 Navigator Portable (1958)Sylvania R519 (1956)Bendix 526E (1946)Telex/Philco Unknown ModelRCA 95X6 (1938)Coronado TL-629 (1936)Crosley 52TF (1942)Emerson 570 "Memento" by Ingraham (1949)
Majestic 51 "Clockette" (1938)Kenwood PS-52 Power SupplyGeneral Electric Deluxe Automatic Three-Speed PhonoNordmende "Othello"Lady Bug Transistor Radio (1960s)Zenith Royal 2000 Portable (1961)Radiola 61-5 (1947)Philco PT-46 (1939)Emerson Ingraham 375 (1934)Truetone D2815 (1948)
Zenith 5A10Majestic 5A410 "Zephyr" (1946)Zenith Royal 1000-D (1959)Westinghouse H743T4Zenith Y832 (1956)Silvertone 8260 (1947)Guild 557 "Country Belle" (1958)Zenith X-733 AM/FM Clock Radio (1955)Philco 49-501 BoomerangEmerson CH-246 Plaskon (1939)
Ace V (1923)Zenith 15-U-269 Shutter Dial Console (1938)Philco 41-255T (1941)General Electric 547 (1953)Silvertone 4204 AM/FM (1954)Coronado 43-8190Motorola 68X-11Q (1949)RCA 66X12 (1947)Silvertone 4206 (1954)RCA 9TX32 (1939)
Pepsi-Cola Bottle Radio (early 1950s)Stewart-Warner R-1235 "The Aristocrat" (1933)Airline 84BR-1508 (1948)Zenith Royal 500E in Box (1959)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)Westinghouse H-124 Refrigerator Radio (1946)Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)Motorola 56A (1956)Philco "Hippo" (1948)Silvertone 6435 (1940)
Chicago Plant A Radio (1938)Crosley 5M3 Fiver Junior (1934)Phonola Falcone 1T51-P (1946-47)Philco B656 Portable (1953)Arvin 950-T2 (1955)Zenith 6-S-239 Chairside (1938)Silvertone 4569 (1937)Emerson DW-330B (1941)Lafayette G-68 (1938)Air Castle 6128 (1938)
Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1959)Setchell-Carlson 416 (1946)Truetone D1001 (1941)Crosley CR3001A "The Ranchero"Crosley CR37 "Bluebird" ReplicaZenith C845 AM/FM (1960)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Detrola Jr. 280 (1939)Motorola 57CS Clock Radio (1957)Emerson CS272 (1939)
Arvin 518 "Phantom Baby" (1937)Zenith "Zenette" BH Cathedral (1932)Truetone 635 (1940)General Electric 466 (1955)RCA 8X71 AM/FM (1949)Majestic 52 (1947)Airline 93-WG-602 (1939)Zenith 4G800ZY "Zenette" with Carrying Case (1948)Realistic 12-173 Pocket Transistor (mid 70s)Emerson 646 (1950)
RCA 6-RF-9 (1954)Zenith 6-D-510 (1941)Majestic 51 (1947)AMC TR800 (1964)Zenith 835/880 (1935)Arvin 341T (1950)Mini "AM/FM Stereo Eight-Track" N11Zenith H845 AM/FM (1960)Zenith Royal 500 "Handwired" (1956)Westinghouse WR208 (1936)
Zenith RD-14 Mini-OwlArvin Metal MidgetEmerson AM131 w/Ingraham CabinetTele-Tone Radio (1954)Radiola 76ZX11Emerson 111 (1936)John Wayne Radio #228Apex 7A Cathedral (1931-32)Grunow 501 (1934)Emerson 729B (1955)
Kenwood TM-241A and Kenwood TM-441A Mobile Transceiver SetupEveready 21 Radio with Matching Model 3 SpeakerZenith Royal 16 R-16L Transistor (1960s)Mantola Tombstone (1930s)General Electric P780 Portable (1960)Zenith C835 AM/FM (1956)Silvertone Model unknown (1935)National RX-C60 PortableSpice Rack RadioBendix 0526A (1946)
Zenith 6-D-2614 (1942)Motorola 50X2 (1939)Realtone VT-2652 (1963)General Electric H-503 "Thumbdial" (1939)Atwater Kent 735 Tombstone (1934)Emerson CS-272 (1939)General Television 5A5 (1946)Gilfillan 6U Tombstone (1941)Steinweigh Transistor RadioSuper JR Cathedral (early 1930s)
Channel Master 6514 Transistor RadioCrosley 53TF "Fiver" (1941)Kennedy 281 ReceiverMagnavox AM20 Clock RadioPhilco 70B Cathedral (1931)RCA 40X52 (1939)RCA 86T (1937)Emerson 510 (1946)Philco 52-548RCA 9X561
Zenith 5-D-811W (1949)Emerson 834B Three-Speed Phono (1950s)RCA 1X591Stewart-Warner 9160 (1952)Evans Torques Model 1 (1950s)FADA 740 (1947)Jackson-Bell 62 "Swan" Cathedral (1931)Jackson-Bell 84 "Peter Pan" Cathedral (1931)Zenith H-500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)RCA Radio (Unknown Model)
Zenith F508L (1960)RCA Victor 10T (1936)Westinghouse WR217 "Serenader" (1937)Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)Majestic 7T11 (1939)Polyconcept AM/FM/CD/Cassette Jukebox Radio (1997)FADA 246-W (1937)Motorola 56-HZenith 5-S-126 Tombstone (1936)Universal Radio (1938)
Sentinel 194UTI (1948)Westinghouse 576 (Canada - 1946)Aetna 7RCA RHD10Y Clock Radio (early 1960s)Ware Electric & Gray Products WE5M4Packard-Bell 5DA (1947)Philco 645 Console (1937)Zenith 7-S-529Atwater Kent 84 Cathedral (1931)Philco 52-942 (1952)
RCA 46X1 (1939)Philco 48-225 (1948)General Electric 500 "Turbine" (1939)Zenith 6-S-128 Tombstone (1937)Radiola 61-7 (1946)Crosley E20GN (1953)Crosley 66TA (1946)Airline 14BR-526A (1940)Hoffman MP-502 Clock RadioZenith Radio
RCA R-73 Tombstone (1933)Zenith Clock RadioZenith 8-S-129 Tombstone (1938)Westinghouse WR270 (1939)Airline 62-177 Tombstone (1935)Crosley 515 "Fiver" Tombstone (1935)Zenith T825 AM/FM (1955)Silvertone 7037 (1941)Westinghouse M542TS Clock Radio (1958)Emerson 547-A in Butterscotch (1947)
Zenith R-511R "Broadway" (1954)Westinghouse WR-175B (1940)Truetone D2612 (1946)Motorola 62T1 (1940/41)Stewart-Warner 9160-F (1952)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)General Electric H510W (1939)Olympic Tivoli 300 (1959)Philco PT-61 "Pagoda" (1939)Zenith Royal 500H (1961)
Realtone TR1645 with Box and Accessories (1963)Orbit Transistor RadioRealistic 12-635A Transistor RadioKenwood TS-180S SSB TransceiverRCA 3-BX-54 Portable (1954)Majestic 463 "Century Six" (1933)Cabbage Patch Kids RadioCabbage Patch Kids RadioPhilco 45 "Butterfly" (1934)Emerson B-131 (1936)
Silvertone 7022 (1946)Emerson A130 (1937)Zenith B513-F (1959)Kenwood TS-120S TransceiverPhilco PT-69 (1939)Zenith 6-D-2615 "Boomerang Dial" (1942)Motorola 68X-11Q (1949)Zenith 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)Atwater Kent L Horn SpeakerPhilco Transitone
Philco 90 Cathedral (1932)Crosley 56TJ (1946)Stewart-Warner 801 (1928/29)Atwater Kent 80 Cathedral (1932)Truetone D-2018 "Boomerang" (1950)Stewart-Warner 9187E Clock Radio (1954)Westinghouse H-126 "Refrigerator Radio" (1946)Stewart-Warner R136-A TombstonePackard-Bell 46DP Chairside (1938)Zenith 6-S-27 Tombstone (1936)
Zenith H845 AM/FM (1960)Hallicrafters 38C (1953)Philco 46-420 (1946)Arvin 467 "Rhythm Bell" (1936)Zenith 8G005 Trans-Oceanic Clipper (1946)Philco 37-84 Cathedral (1937)Crosley 10-135 (1950)Emerson 547-A Midget (1947)Zenith 6-D-525 "Toaster" (1941)Admiral 15-D5 (1940)
Automatic CL-100 Clock RadioPhilco 89 Cathedral (1932)Motorola 57CS Clock Radio (1957)General Electric 400 (1953)Zenith 6-D-615 (1942)Silvertone 9205 Pocket Transistor (1956)Zenith Royal 500H (1961)Garod 5-D2 Portable (1947)Fairbanks-Morse 72 (1936)Airline 1812A Clock Radio (1955?)
Westinghouse H-157 (1947)Emerson 530 (1948)Air Castle 470 Tombstone (1935)Global 900FADA 711 CatalinLafayette D58 (1938)Bulova 620 (1957)Admiral 4203-B6 (1941)Motorola 55C Clock Radio (1955)Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)
Zenith Royal 500 Boxed Set (1956)St. Regis Gothic Deluxe Cathedral (1934)Sony ICF-9640W AM/FM (1980s)Zenith Royal 51 AM/FM Pocket TransistorZenith Royal 90 (1963)Zenith Royal 59 (1965)Gulbransen 7L by Wells Garner (1938)Microphone AM/FM RadioZenith G500 Trans-Oceanic (1949)Gilfillan 56B (1946)
Zenith 6-S-222 "Cube" (1938)Mickey Mouse RadioBremer-Tully SpeakerSansui 800 ReceiverMotorola 56-CC-1 Clock Radio (1957)Zenith Royal 500H (1961)Zenith B-509 (1959)Motorola 52CW3 Clock Radio (1953)Zenith R-7000-2 Trans-Oceanic (1981)Arvin 540T (1951)
Silvertone 4663 (1938)Majestic 463 "Century Six" (1934)Stromberg-Carlson 125H (1936)Emerson 587Zenith 8-S-443 (1940)Sentinel 286-P "Treasure Chest" (1947)Philco 53-656 (1953)Vista 640 AM/FM/SWZenith 1000-D Trans-Oceanic (1959)Zenith 6-D-628 (1942)
Firestone S-7402-5 (1940)Zenith A600 Trans-Oceanic (1957)Philco 20 Deluxe Cathedral (1930)Sentinel 338 (1950)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1963)Emerson 587B (1949)Airline 14BR-726APhilco 42-340 (1942)Philco 42-327 (1941)Hallicrafters S-38D Mahogany Cabinet (1954)
Zenith 6-S-238 Chairside (1939)Zenith Royal 2000National NC "Sixty Special" (1959)Doral Across America AM/FM/Cassette (1996)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)Crosley E-15SL (1953)Silvertone 2004 (1953)RCA 46X1 (1939)Emerson 544-S (1947)Crosley 648 "Super Sextette" (1939)
National Radio Institute RadioSetchell-Carlson 427 (1949)General Electric 676 Pocket Transistor (1955)Emerson 511 (1946)Stewart-Warner 07-51H "Campus" (1940)Emerson CF255 "Emersonette" (1939)Philco 48-200 (1948)Philco 47-204 (1947)Zenith 6-S-330 Tombstone (1939)Blaupunkt 22153 "Paris" (1962)
Airline 62-282 (1938)Emerson 811 Series B (1955)Lincoln ConvertibleEmerson 851B (1957)Olympic Opta Bella Luxus 5711W (1958)Airline 62-317 (1938)Warwick 604 Tombstone (1939)Crosley 167 Cathedral (1936)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)Majestic 511A (1938)
Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)Continental TR622Monarch 80 w/Presentation BoxZenith 6-D-516 (1941)General Electric Wildcat Portable PhonographZenith H-511 (1951)RCA RJG20ESparton 152 PortableRadiola III Battery RadioAtwater Kent 206 Cathedral
General Electric CL-500 "Beetle" (1948)Sentinel 1U335P (1956)Philco PT-26 (1940)Truetone RadioEmerson 511 (1947)Emerson 511 (1947)Outboard Motor RadioECA 102 (1947)Detrola 139 (1938)Emerson 38 (1935)
Sparton 6128 "The Lobster" (1939)Arvin Phantom Baby (1937)Rolls Royce RadioDelco R1127 (1938)Sparton 538 Tombstone (1936)Silvertone 1706 Cathedral (1934)Emerson 602-C (1950)RCA 8X541 (1949)RCA 9TX21 (1939)Artone 6-606 Portable
Emerson 559APhilco PT-6 Transitone (1940/41)Zenith 6-D-315 Wavemagnet (1938)Radiola 510 (1940)Silvertone 4463 (1937-38)Truetone D911 (1940)Grundig-Majestic 2077 (Germany)Howard 468 (1938)Airline 811 Cathedral (1932)Raytheon C50B Clock Radio (1950)
Admiral 5Z22 (1952)Rolls Royce Silver Ghost RadioMississippi 1869 Fire EngineRolls-Royce 1931 Phantom Roadster RadioZenith G-615 (1950)General Electric S22X Tombstone with Clock (1932)Stewart-Warner 61T16 (1946)Admiral 6T02-5B1-MA (1946)Emerson Radio (Late 1940s?)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)
Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)Zenith 6-D-2615 "Boomerang Dial" (1942)Emerson 718 Series B Clock Radio (1954) Stewart-Warner R-552 "Campus" (1941)Zenith G-516 (1950)Sparton 827X Tombstone (1937)Hallicrafters S-38C (1953)RCA 9-X-571 (1950)RCA 4-X-467 (1954)Erla S51 Lowboy (1927)
Zenith Royal 500 (Late 1957)Decca Stereo with Panasonic/BSR Record ChangerAtwater Kent 558 Cathedral (1932)General Electric 408 AM/FM (1950)Zenith 4G800Z "Zenette" Portable (1948)Regal 7251 (1948)Arvin 553T (1951)Airline 15BR-1547A (1951)Addison 5 Catalin (1945)Northern Electric 5110 "Rainbow" (1946)
Zenith R615 (1954)Magnavox R-3 Horn Speaker (1920s)General Electric J-83 Tombstone (1932)Philco 42-PT7 (1941-42)RCA 86T1 (1937)Arvin 450T (1950)Philco 84B Cathedral (1934)Zenith 5-S-218 Cube (1937)Stromberg-Carlson RadioArvin 417 Rhythm Baby (1936)
Emerson 640 Portable (1950)Emerson 636-A (1950)Zenith Zenette LH Cathedral (1931)Westinghouse 501 (1948)Zenith 6-D-614-W (1942)RCA X-551 (1951)General Telephone (GT) Unknown ModelPhilco 650 Console (1937)Zenith Royal 1000 Trans-Oceanic (1958)Rola Cone Re-Creator Cone Speaker
Philco 37-62Zenith R512-R (1955)Ford Thunderbird Novelty RadioArvin 664 (1947)Radiola 61-7 (1946)General Electric YRB-60-2 (1948)Mitchell 1250 LullabyMinerva W-117-3 (1946-47)Silvertone 6002Emerson 511 (1946)
Silvertone 4500 (1937)RCA 45X2 (1950)Remler 54 (1938)Crosley E20GN (1953)Silvertone 1 (1950)Arvin 440T (1950)Silvertone 2001 (1950)Guild Country BelleSilvertone RadioGeneral Electric L633 (1942)
Philco 48-460 (1948)Zenith 807 Tombstone (1935)General Motors "Little General" Cathedral (1932)Jackson-Bell 62 "Fleur-de-lis" (1932)Belmont 550 "Skyrover" Tombstone (1939)Bendix 0526-ESentinel 329 (1948)Sony 3F-77W AM/FM Pocket TransistorEmerson 724B Clock Radio (1953)Emerson 706 Series B (1954)
Crosley 48 "The Wigit" Mini-Cathedral (1931)Coronado 66100 Cathedral (1935)RCA 9T"Magic Brain" Tombstone (1935)Emerson 708B (1952)Delco R-1157 (1939)General Electric 422 (1951)Westinghouse WR-166AW (1939)Sony TR-3550 Pocket Transistor (1978)RCA 56X2 (1946)Sylvania 5C12 Clock Radio (1960)
Admiral 351 Tombstone (1936)Trav-Ler 5061 (1950)US Air Force Rocket Radio BC-517 (1969)Marshall "Super Seven" (1931)Grebe 89 Tombstone (1934)Commander Super Six Cathedral (1933)Firestone "Air Chief" S-7402-4 (1940)Zenith Royal 1000-1 Trans-OceanicZenith Royal 3000 Trans-Oceanic (1968)Zenith 755G Transistor Portable (1956)
Zenith 7-S-232 "Walton Tombstone" (1938)Philco 52-538 (1951)RCA 1210 (1941)Mantola R-650 (1939)Sentinel 293W (1946)Luxor 6R Tombstone (1936)Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)Pin-It-Up Radio A-1 (1949)Sonora 179 (1942)Stromberg-Carlson 1101H (1946)
Remler 14 "Cameo" Tombstone (1931)Stromberg-Carlson 130H (1936)Crosley E-15-CE (1953)Andrea W69P "Spacemaster" (1957)Zenith 8-S-563 Console (1941)Zenith J-733 AM/FM Clock Radio (1955)Philco TP-5 (1939)Kenwood PS-50 Power SupplyGraetz Fantasia 1022 Luxus StereosuperKeith Haring AM/FM Radio
Philco 52-548 (1952)Zenith B600L Leather Trans-OceanicEmerson Radio (1950s?)Gilfillan CathedralZenith X334 AM/FM (1959)RCA 54B2 Portable (1946)Arvin 61R48 Portable (1961)Belmont 6D111 (1946)Emerson 811 (1955)Sonora RBU-175 (1946)
RCA 8-X-6E (1957)Airline 04BR-512A (1940)RCA 9X Midget (1938)Motorola 72XM (1952)Zenith Royal 20 Micro Pocket Transistor (1968)Zenith Royal 500 Hand Wired Pocket Transistor (1956)Emerson AX-217 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1938)Philco 53-701 Clock Radio (1953)Motorola 6T26M (1947)Arvin 618 Chairside (1937)
Zenith 10-S-452 Chairside (1940)General Electric C-545F Clock Radio (1967)Philco 89B Cathedral (1935)Hallicrafters S-77A Receiver (1952)Sentinel 284 Catalin Radio (1946)Motorola A8J-25 (1960)RCA 96T4 (1939)Zenith H724Z2 (1951)Westinghouse WR-177 (1941)Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)
Emerson DR1-343 (1941)Crosley 11-107U (1952)Crosley 11-129 AM/FM (1951)Chicago Radio and Television Mini Console (1937)Silvertone 4569 (1937)Grunow 576 (1938)Emerson CY-288 "Big Strad" w/Ingraham Cabinet (1939)Silvertone 8000 (1949)Majestic 921 "Melody Cruiser" (1940s)Westinghouse H-130 (1946)
Philco 53-566 Transitone (1953)Gilfillan Little KingTrav-Ler T-202Bulova 100 Clock Radio (1957)Arvin 243TTruetone D2210 (1940)Sonora RBU-176 (1946)Truetone D715 "Tiny" Motor Drive (1937)Zenith 6-S-219 (1937)Brandes Speaker
Stewart-Warner 435 Cone SpeakerThomas 411Setchell-Carlson 427 "Frogeye" (1946)Truetone D2810 (1948)John Player Special RadioStanding Knight Transistor RadioStewart-Warner 420 SpeakerCrosley 56TDGraetz Baroness 1109ERCA Aeriola Senior and Matching RCA AC Amplifier (1921)
Kenwood SP-430 External SpeakerPhilco 52-542Daiton AM/FM Clock RadioRCA 1AX (1940)Admiral Y2529GP Pocket Transistor (1963)Freshman Masterpiece (1925)Jackson-Bell 62 "Swan" Cathedral (1932)Crosley 10-135 (1951)Trav-Ler 5054 (1948)Bendix 526E
RCA Radio (1940s)General Electric P1758 Pocket Transistor (1969)Electro EB631 (late 60s)Philco PT-91 (1942)Sonora 301 Excellence (Replica)Mitchell 1260 "Lumitone" Lamp Radio (1940)Delco 1230A (1947)Tony the Riger Radio (1980)Columbia Coin-Op (1946)Federal 1040TB (1947)
Motorola CX2B (1963)Crosley CR-3 (1988)Emerson 540 Midget (1947)Zenith 6-D-538 (1941)Philco 40-135 (1940)General Electric 400 "Dial Beam" (1950)Emerson CG-276 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1939)Philco 53-560 (1953)General Electric 115W (1948)Silvertone 6025 Clock Radio (1956)
Zephyr AR-600 Pocket Transistor (1958)General Electric J-64 (1941)Silvertone Radio (1930s)Zenith 5-R-135 Tombstone (1937)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton Tombstone" (1938)Echophone Commercial (EC) (1941)Detrola 225 (1938)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)General Electric 107 (1946)Stewart 866 Pocket Transistor (1960s)
Arvin 450-TL (1950)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)Thomas Replica CathedralAirline 74WG-1509 (1947)Signet Pocket Transistor Radio G018 (late 60s)Jade J1212 Pocket Transistor (late 60s)Jade 1166-2 Pocket Transistor (late 60s)Atwater Kent 84 Cathedral (1931)Zenith 9-S-30 Tombstone (1937)Mark Twain Novelty Radio
Silvertone 132.818-1 (1949)Zenith 6G801 Portable (1949)DeWald A502 Catalin (1938)Olympic 6-501 (1946)Silvertone 7022 (1946)Crosley 11-108U (1952)Warwick Radio (mid-1930s)Motorola 55X11A (1946)Zenith 6-S-27 Tombstone (1936)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1949)
Emerson DF-302 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1939)Crosley 11-121UZenith 7H822 AM/FM (1949)RCA 56X (1946)Hitachi TH-862R "Marie" (1960)Truetone D-2015 (1939)Zenith 10-S-160 Console (1937)Zenith 12-S-265 "Robot" Dial Console (1938)Cannon Transistor RadioMercedes Benz Radiator Grill Radio (1960)
Grundig-Majestic 1070 USA (1958)Zenith R600 (chassis 6R41 - 1954)Setchell-Carlson 416 (1946)Pilot FA-540 FM/AM Tuner (1950s)Zenith 5-D-001Z "Consoltone" (1946)General Electric M862Trav-Ler 5028 "Picnic Portable" (1947)Zenith 6-S-627 (1941)General Electric C-3300A Clock RadioPhilco 41-250T "Companion" (1941)
RCA 7-BX-6L Portable (1956)Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)Silvertone 1954 Tombstone (1935)Motorola C11G Clock Radio (1960)TMK 10-Transistor Portable (early 60s)Stromberg-Carlson 1110-HW (1941)Philco 48-460 "Hippo" (1948)General Electric 115Majestic Grigsby Grunow Hinds (GGH) Horn SpeakerEmerson 330
Zenith 10-S-464 Console with RCA Jack Modification (1940)Zenith 7-S-363 Console (1939)Zenith 8-S-463 ConsoleSonochorde Senior SpeakerPhilco 60 CathedralMotorola 77XM-21 (1948)Jewel 940 Clock Radio (1949)Admiral 15-D5 (1940)Zenith 5?641AT (1942)Shure 444 Microphone
Motorola 53R (1953)General Electric H500U (1939)Master's Art Telephone Radio (1950s)Silvertone 1 (1950)Goodyear Wings 582 (1938)General Electric H620 BeetleZenith 6-D-410 (1939)Zenith Royal 2000 (1959)Philco PT-30 (1940)Kenwood MC-50 Desk Microphone
Truetone D-2910Kenwood TS-870 TransceiverZenith 6-D-317 (1939)Emerson DX-356 (1940)Crosley 11-116U (1951)Northern Electric 5110 "Rainbow" (1947)Sonora P-101 (c1939)Sonora P-99 (1939)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)Stewart-Warner A51T2 "Air Pal" (1947)
Philco 37-610Emerson 810-B (1955)Emerson 540A "Emersonette" (1947)Zenith K412-R "Owl Eyes" Portable (1953)Crosley E-15WE "Buick Front" (1953)General Electric 121 (Canada-1947)Philco 610 Tombstone (1936)Zenith Royal 56 "SunCharger" (1965)Woolaroc 3-1A (1946)RCA Radiola R7 "Superette" Tombstone (1932)
Crosley 517 "Fiver" Tombstone, Early Version (1937)RCA 7T1 Tombstone (1937)Sparton 618 (Canada/1937)Emerson CZ-282 w/ Ingraham Cabinet (1939)Zenith R-16J Pocket Transistor (1960s)Admiral 113-5A (1938)General Electric K50 Cathedral (1935)Firestone S-7403-5 "The Melody" (1940)Emerson 504 (1946)Heathkit Portable Transistor Radio
RCA 45X18Hallicrafters S-119Zenith 5-S-228 TombstoneEmerson DY349Crosley 66TWZenith L505 Portable (1953)Zenith 6-D-625 (1941)Zenith 8-S-154H Console (1937)RCA Victor 8-C-7FE Clock RadioGeneral Electric K-50/K52 Cathedral (1933)
Radiola UZ1325 Horn SpeakerZenith T600 Trans-Oceanic (1955)Emerson A130 (1936)Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)Emerson BW-179 w/Ingraham CabinetZenith 9-S-263 Oval Console (1938)FADA 1001 (1947)Air Castle 2002 Bed Lamp Radio (1940)Emerson 540 (1947)Zenith A513G (1956)
Guild 556 "Country Bell" (1956)Zenith 6-D-614 (1942)Hot Dog RadioOreo Cookie Replica RadioZenith Royal 500 (1957)Admiral 4L20A (1958)Zenith 5-R-216 Cube (1937)Truetone D2616 (1948)American Bosch 5A (1931)Airline 94BR-1525 (1949)
Zenith K-622 (1953)Fairbanks-Morse 72 (1938)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)Zenith B511L (1959)Emerson 176-EP by Ingraham (1938)Clinton 176 Tombstone (1935)Westinghouse Refrigerator RadioCrosley 648 "Super Sextette" (1939)Sonora RCU-208 (1948)Admiral 5Z22 (1952)
RCA 96T4 (1939)Airline 55V-181 (1940)Silvertone 6052-A (1947)Emerson DX-356 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1941)Arvin 851T "Cosmopolitan" (1955)Zenith Y600 Trans-Oceanic (1956-57)Crosley 58TK (1948)Firestone S-7403-6 (1941)Philco 90 Cathedral (1932)Zenith XD50G (1961)
Motorola 58A (1948)Silvertone 6319 (1939)
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