the Radio Attic

Radios sold at the Radio Attic in 2015

Here are the 976 radios sold in 2015 at the Radio Attic!
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Atwater Kent 735 Cathedral (1935)Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Airline 62-367 (1939)Emerson 724B (1953)Guild 6388 Treasure ChestMonarch "Supertone"Kadette 66 (1936)Atwater Kent 387 Cathedral (1933)Majestic Melody Cruiser (1941)Fairbanks-Morse 58-T-2 Tombstone (1937)
Crosley 56TD-W "Duette" (1947)Grundig 85/USA AM/FM (1956)Crosley 11AB (1940)Zenith M660 (1964)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)RCA T7-5 Tombstone (1935)RCA 66X11 (1947)Guild 380T "Town Crier" (1956)Stewart-Warner 136-A (1937)Zenith L727 AM/FM (1963)
Motorola 53H (1954)Zenith Royal 400 (1962)MFJ MFJ-986 Roller Antenna TunerZenith 834 Tombstone (1935)RCA AP-937 "B" Battery EliminatorPhilco 41-255 (1941)Stewart-Warner "Magic Dial" Radio (1937)Silvertone 6002 (1946)EMUD T-7 German Radio (1957-58)Hallicrafters S-77A (1952)
Zenith 6-D-615 (1942)Atwater Kent E2 SpeakerSentinel 314W (1947)General Electric C-433B Clock Radio (1959)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1935)Pilot S-55 "Midget" (1932)Fender Frontman 15G Guitar AmpZenith 7-S-28 Tombstone (1936)Zenith 5-S-319 "Racetrack" (1939)Stromberg-Carlson 125-H (1936)
RCA 8X-681 (1949)Philco 70 Cathedral (1933)Admiral 5X12N (1949)Fairbanks-Morse 5C (1937)Magnavox FWC40 Clock RadioFADA 260W (1936)FM Microphone Advertising Radio (1960s)General Electric 202 (1947)Zenith F615 (1950)Motorola 57X11 (1947)
Stromberg-Carlson 1200-H (1948)Yaesu Henry Tempo One SSB TransceiverAdvance Electric Co. "The Falck"Stewart-Warner 07-5B "Varsity" (1939)Arvin 444A (1946)Stewart-Warner 11-5W1 (1940)Zenith R521-R (1954)Colonial 658 (1935)Stewart-Warner Radio (1936)Airline 93WG602 (1939)
Motorola C15WK-32 Clock Radio (1950s)Zenith Tube Caddy (1950s-60s)Halson 43B (1933)Crosley 66TW (1945)RCA 6T5 Tombstone (1937)Belmont 575 "Coat and Vest" (1936)Realistic 12-751B "Astronaut-8" AM/FM/SW Portable (1974)Silvertone 215 (1950)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1948)Westinghouse H-397T5 Clock Radio (1954)
Truetone D-2002 (1955)Silvertone 4769 (1938)Admiral Y3436 "Maestro" (1963)Truetone D-2102B (1951)Motorola 68R11 (1949)Packard-Bell 5R1 (1956)Tempo AC-1 Power SpeakerPhilco 91 Cathedral (1933)General Electric P-881A (1960)Philco D597-125 (1955)
Mayfair 520 (1946)Arvin 517 "Rhythm Junior" Tombstone (1938)EMUD T7 (1957)Decca DP-570 PhonographDetrola 302 "Teardrop" (1939)Airline 04BR-512A (1940)Sears 6226 PortableCrosley 168 "Dual Seven" Cathedral (1934)Emerson AD-110 Mini-Tombstone by Ingraham (1935)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1936)
Bendix 753MX Clock Radio (1953)Philco 40-120 (1940)Admiral 5S22A (1952)Hallicrafters 5R43 "Continental" (1953)Emerson CV-295 by Ingraham (1939)Emerson DR1-343Motorola 53H (1953)Emerson 652-B (1950)RCA 66X8 Catalin (1946)Regency TR-5 Transistor (1958)
McMurdo Silver C5 (1935)Trav-Ler T-200Zenith K-412WEmerson 108 Tombstone (1935)Zenith 5-S-220 (1938)Grundig 970 EES (1957)Boob Novelty RadioPhilco 37-60 Cathedral (1937)Truetone D-2801 (1958)General Electric 676
Philco T-7-128Magnavox AM-22General Electric K-50 Cathedral (1933)Sparton 410 Junior CathedralZenith 7-S-28A tombstone (1936)Farnsworth P-860 Lunchbox Portable (1950)General Electric P780H Portable (1965)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1948)Emerson AP-185 (1937)Emerson 439 (1942)
DeWald A-501 CatalinMajestic Melody Cruiser (1941)Emerson BJ200 (1938)Marlboro Transistor Radio (Hong Kong)Holiday 6 TransistorLafayette D247 (1945)Panasonic R-70 Panapet in BoxPanasonic R-70 "Panapet" with BoxPanasonic R-70 "Panapet"Arvin 502 (1939)
Trav-Ler 5056 (1950)Admiral 6T01-6A1-MA (1946)Silvertone 4763Jackson-Bell 63 Tombstone (1930)Silvertone 16 (1951)Zenith Royal 500HZenith Royal 50Zenith Royal 500E (1959)Zenith Royal 50 Gift Set (1962)Zenith Royal 1000-D Trans-Oceanic
Bulova Super 6 TransistorEmerson G1705 Clock Radio (1962)Zenith 5-D-610 (1941)Zenith R-733 Clock Radio (1952)Philco 41-22CL Clock Radio (1941)Smoker Radio by Ross (1970s)Atwater Kent 40Philco 48-250-IDelco 1116 BC/SWAtwater Kent 206 Cathedral (1934)
Sparton 5149 (Canada - 1938)Midget Cathedral RadioPanasonic RF-728 AM/FMBelmont 6D111 Series BCrosley E-15BE "Dashboard" (1953)Emerson 642-A (1949)Crown Jewel Box RadioBendix 55P3U (1949)Bendix 526A (1946)Toshiba 8TP90
RCA 100B SpeakerGeneral Electric H-620Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Emerson 510 (1946)Bulova 100 Clock RadioFADA 209Remler 26 ScottieCrosley E-20-MN (1954)Addison 2 (Canada)Delco R-1235 (1946)
Delco R-1174 (1941)Bendix 636A (1947)Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)Zenith 6-D-029 "Boomerang" (1946)RCA 9-C-8ME (1958)Silvertone 7024 (1941)General Electric 512F Clock Radio (1951)RCA 8X541 (1947-48)Zenith 920 (1950)Detrola 568-1F "Aria" (1946)
General Electric Deluxe L740 (1942)Stewart-Warner R-1261 "York" Tombstone (1933)Crosley Super Trirdyn SpecialFairbanks-Morse 6ATunemaster/Sharper Image AM/FMHallicrafters S-85 (1954-1959)Philco 42-PT91Philco 53-563 (1953)Delco R-1229 (1947)Philco 48-360 Portable (1948)
Sparton 410 JuniorAtwater Kent 456 Tombstone (1935)RCA Victor B-411Angel ATR-22 Boy's RadioCoronet DeLuxe Boy's RadioGrundig Mini-Boy 200 with Speaker BoxArvin 855T (1950s)Sonora KF123 (1941)Stewart-Warner Mantle RadioHitachi TH831
Pilotuner T601 FM Tuner (1947)General Electric 10T1 TelevisionHoward 275 Tombstone (1937)Airline 74BR-1508A (1947)Emerson 641B (1951)Knight A9871 (1937)General Electric A-70 Tombstone (1935)Victor Victrola IV Phonograph (1915)Grunow 450 Chrome Grille TombstoneCrosley Dynacone F1 Cone Speaker
Fairbanks-Morse 58-T-1 (1936 )Delco R-1177 (1940)Standard (Columbia) Model A External Horn Phonograph (1909)Crosley 10-135 Coloradio (1951)Zenith 5-S-319 (1939)Setchell-Carlson 427 (1947)Zenith 6-D-2614 (1942)General Electric T-1000 (1963)Realtone TR-1088 "Comet"Emerson 464(?)
RCA 45X1 Midget (1940)Belmont 636 (1939)Philco PT-2Silvertone 2001 (1950)Motorola 59X (1950)Unda R66/2 (1953-Italy)Airline 84BR-1065C Portable (1948)RCA 533F (1951)Sony ICF-9650WZenith Royal 1000-1 Trans-Oceanic
Zenith 9-S-232AT "Walton" Tombstone (1939)Bulova 120 Clock RadioZenith Royal 500H Gift Set (1962)Zenith Royal 755 PortableSony TFM-850Penncrest 1151 (Japan)Zenith Royal 16 (1968)Zenith Royal 500, Hand-Wired (1956)Coronado 43-8120AAirline GEN1176B Eight-Transistor Radio
Atwater Kent 509W Console (1935)Philco PT-43 (1939)Airline 62-315 (1936)Crosley D-25WE Clock Radio (1953)General Electric F-51 (1938)Silvertone 4569 (1938)Toshiba RP-727FC PortableZenith 715 Tombstone (1934)Craig A1175 Clock RadioZenith 5-S-319 (1939)
Philco PT-93 (1942)Zenith G503 "Universal" (1950)Philco 90C Cathedral (1933)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Airline 62-156 CathedralArvin 61R13,23Atwater Kent 40 (1934) & Type E SpeakerPhilco 48-250Airline 62-368 (1938)Packard-Bell 88 (1941)
Arvin 61R13/26 (1961)Silvertone 1 by ArvinRCA 128 Tombstone (1933)RCA X2-EF (1959)RCA 6-BX-63 Portable (1956)RCA 143 Tombstone (1933)FADA 352JHallicrafters T-64 12" Porthole TV (1949)Motorola 53LC2 Portable (1953)Motorola 56CS Clock Radio (1956)
Philco 52-548 (1952)Sony TR-608Western Auto 268 (1939)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951-53)Zenith 5-S-119 (1937)Silvertone 132.4901Emerson 520 Catalin (1946)Philco NT-602BKWestern Air Patrol 6M3T Tombstone (1936)Emdeko EZ-14 (1963)
Sears Silvertone Solid State 12Bendix 687A Portable (1949)Emerson AX-212 "Bullseye" (1938)Zenith H724Z "Super Triumph" (1951)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Crosley 124 "Playboy" Cathedral (1932)Magnavox AM-2 (1956)Packard-Bell 88 (1941)Philco 48-206 (1948)Truetone D-724 by Detrola (1938)
Philco 59Hallicrafters S-120 (1961-1964)General Television 9A5 (1948)Toshiba 10TL429FA (1961)Silvertone 1905 Tombstone (1936)Firestone S-7403-3 (1939)Silvertone "Orange Crush" (1960s)Arvin 61R13/23 (1961)Emerson 110 Mini Tombstone (1935)Westinghouse H-204 AM/FM
Eico ST96 TunerAMC TR-600 (by Hitachi) in BoxZenith L600 Trans-Oceanic (1954)Bulova 620 "Comet"Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)RCA 56X2 (1945)Air Castle RadioPhilco 60 CathedralJewel 500 (1947)Zenith 6-D-512
Crosley 10-135Philco PT-61 "Pagoda"Kadette 32 "Clockette"Apex 7A (1931-32)Military BC-604-DM TransmitterZenith 835 Tombstone (1935)FADA 1000 Catalin "Streamliner" (1946)Gilfillan 6U Tombstone (1940)National SW-54 (1955)Zenith 8-S-443 (1940)
Admiral 5X12 (1949)Zenith 12-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1939)St. Regis CathedralRCA 40X50 (1939)Philco 46-360 Portable (1946)Arvin 451T (1950)Philco 610 TombstoneNEC NT-620Sony TR-510New Voice Transistor 6
Sony TR-817Silvertone 3203Panasonic R-132Continental TR-182Mars "2 Transistor" Boy's Radio in BoxEpic EP-61Kobe Kogyo KT-80Channel Master 6509Sharp TR-202Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)
Zenith 6-S-128 Tombstone (1937)Zenith 6-D-516 (1941)Guild 484 "Spice Chest"Emerson 810-B (1955)Fairbanks-Morse 6AT4 (1938)Silvertone 6120A (1939)Learadio 662 (1946)Emerson CM267 (1939)General Electric F-63 (1937)Packard-Bell 46H (1939)
Philco 41-230 (1941)Philco 39-7 (1939)Detrola 310 AM/Shortwave (1939)Admiral 20X11N TV (1949)RCA 5T Tombstone (1937)General Electric GE-41U (1938)Airline 62-425Emerson 454RCA 6C8C Clock Radio (1950s)Philco H984 AM/FM (1960)
Zenith 6-D-614 (1942)Crosley 1019M Console (1940)General Electric G53 (1938) Detrola 212 AM/Shortwave (1938)Farnsworth ET-066 (1946)RCA 4T CathedralPhilco 53-561 (1953)Motorola 57x11 (1947)Emerson 544Olympic 7-532W (1947)
Sparton 517 "Cube" (1937)Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)Emerson A130 (1937)Zenith H725Z1 AM/FM (1951)Stewart-Warner R-1261 "York" Tombstone (1933)Zenith M730 AM-FM (1964)Crosley 10-135Tele-Tone 135 "Dynamite" (1947)Philco 41-226Spica ST-600
Motorola X21General Television 5A5 (1946)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Zenith L600 Leather Trans-Oceanic (1955)Airline 94BR-1525A (1949)Admiral Y1189 Clock RadioBendix 110 Coca Cola (1948)Capital Portable Record Player (1940s)Troy 67-SW (1937-38)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)
Stewart-Warner RadioGulbransen 10 Cathedral (1931)Philco T7X-128Arvin 544 (1946)Continental C-454 Clock Radio (1950)Zenith H-500 Trans-Oceanic (1952)Airline 74BR-1507A (1949)Stromberg-Carlson 130-U Tombstone (1939)Stromberg-Carlson 1100-H (1948)Westinghouse H-126 "Refrigerator" (1945)
Majestic 370 Mini-Cathedral (1933)Airline 62-425 (1937)VE-301 Peoples Radio (Germany)Viscount 602 Six-Transistor RadioThe Trenton (Vintage Style)Hoffman PP706 "Solar 6" Transistor RadioRealistic Patrolman 50 12-769TR-180 Transistor with BoxEmerson 708 (1954)Atwater Kent 165 Cathedral (1933)
General Electric T1025A AM/FM StereoSony 3F-66WEmerson 707General Electric C-122 (1940)Motorola 53X (1954)General Electric 535 Clock Radio (1951)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1935)Atwater Kent 944 Cathedral (1934)Zenith H-500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Zenith H-511
Admiral 4204-B6Zenith Royal 500E "Long Distance" (1959)Zenith G615 (1950)Truetone D2634 (1946)Zenith 9-S-262 ConsoleZenith 6-S-27 Tombstone (1936)Airline 346 (1941)Majestic 250W (1941)General Electric J62 "Jewel Box" (1941)Realistic 12-747 "Patrolman 10"
Mantola R401 (1937)Blaupunkt 7-652-450 DerbyPhilco 19 cathedral (1933)Silvertone 2106 (1955)Musicaire 5171 (1947)Airline 62-361 (1938)Zenith 5-R-216 "Cube" (1938)Truetone D726 (1939)Philco 38-35 TombstoneBendix 300 (1949)
RCA 66X1 (1946)Marilyn Neon Radio 201 by Cicena (1988)Sony TR-650 (1962)Silvertone 6217 (1955)Arvin 480TFM AM/FM (1950)Motorola 68X-12Q (1949)Zenith 6-D-029GEchophone 80 Cathedral (1932)Emerson 659 Series B (1949)Atwater Kent 788 Console (1934)
Air Castle B5P6-540 (Pre-1942)RCA 56X2 (1946)Delco R-1238 (1948)Zenith R512F (1955)Detrola 4D1 Mini Cathedral (1934)Toshiba 9LT365SA (1962)Emerson 547-A (1947)RCA 55X12 (1945)General Electric C431A Clock Radio (1959)Crosley 718C (1939)
General Electric J-82 Cathedral (1932)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)General Electric 400 "Dial Beam" (1950)Zenith Royal 500HPhilco 71 Code 121 CathedralGeneral Electric 125 (1950)Crosley CR2 Replica (Red)Silvertone 9000 (1949)General Electric H-510 "Turbine" (1939)Zenith G500 Trans-Oceanic (1950)
General Electric K-64 Cathedral (1933)Zenith 5-J-217 Cube (1938)Admiral 5R12 (1949)Groovy 1960s Style Transistor RadioSparton 1003 AM/FM (1948)Zenith 6D-614WSentinel Book RadioZenith Royal 400 (1961)Bulova 100 Clock Radio (1957)Zenith Royal 500H (1962)
Motorola 57CS-2A Clock Radio (1957)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)Motorola 53-LC-1 Portable (1953)Universal "Cube" (1936)Crosley "Fiver" Tombstone (1934)Silvertone 1809 "World's Fair" Tombstone (1935)Firestone S7398-5 (1942)Zenith 5-R-135 Tombstone (1937)Silvertone 8148 Portable Phonograph (1948)Zenith 908 Tombstone (1935)
Cylinder Phonograph (1900s replica)Regal 205 (1946)Philco 48-214 (1948)Silvertone 2015 (1955-56)Emerson 421 (1941)General Electric YRB-79-1 (1948)Hoffman A-200 (1946)Zenith Y-600 Trans-Oceanic (1955)Stewart-Warner R1365A Console (1934)Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)
Crosley CR-3RCA 4RC84 (1959-60s)Zenith Royal 27 (Rechargeable) & ChargerZenith K731 AM/FM (1959)Silvertone 7054 (1947)General Electric P808E Transistor (1962)Regal 135-101 (Pre-1942)Remler 463 Tombstone (1939)Motorola 51-A (1939)Westinghouse Travel Clock/Radio (1965)
Zenith G615 (1950)Automatic Radio 614XEmerson 301 (1940)DeWald A-501 "Lyre" Catalin (1938)DeWald 60A (1935)RCA 8-X-541 (1948)Sentinel 400TV Television (1948)Philco 38-93Atwater Kent 206 Cathedral (1934)Detrola 302 " Teardrop" (1940)
Zenith 5-R-316 (1938)General Television 2A5 (1947)Westinghouse H-365T5 (1952)Philco 53-954 (1953)Zenith H511 (1951)FADA 1001 (1947)Belmont 6-D-111 (1946)Philco 46-420 "Hippo"RCA 66X11 (1947)Emerson EP-405 Patriot (1942)
General Electric T101A (1961)Arvin 14R68 (1964)General Electric 401 (1950)Northern Electric 5308 "Midge"Ampex 008 TunerFADA 220 (1941)Truetone DC2284Emerson 540 Midget (1947)Hallicrafters 505 TV (1947)Zenith L515Y Clock Radio (1954)
Philco 52-542 (1952)Emerson 636A (1950)DeWald JD-519 (1947)Emerson 540 Midget (1947)Silvertone 2003 (1953)Kennedy 110 ReceiverRCA 75X16 (1948)Fairbanks-Morse 58-T-1 (1936)Packard-Bell 566 (1946)Airline 84BR-1815B (1948)
Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1968)FADA 740 (1947)Zenith 6-D-815 (1949)Philco 39-7Philco PT-39Beach Boy Pocket TransistorMagnavox R3-C Powered Horn SpeakerMagnavox M-4 Horn SpeakerStewart-Warner 13-5U2 (1940)Crosley D25-MN
Miniature 1960s StereoEmerson 581 (1947)General Television & Radio 5A5 (1946)Bulova 100 (1957)Sonora RZU-248 (1946)Delco R1230 (1946)Arvin 602A (1939)Jewel 955 (1949)FADA 790 Series B AM/FM (1949)Arvin 153T (1948)
Air King 511-110 (1947)Star-Lite 1249General Electric 678Ross 1460Angel ATR-22 Boy's RadioPanasonic RF1101Motorola A24 (1962)Airline 25BR-1525 (1952)RDR 500 (1946)RCA 4T6
Zenith 6-S-511 (1941)Emerson 540A "Emersonette" (1947)Fairbanks-Morse 5C (1937)Sparton 538-X (1938)General Electric T-210A AM/FM (1959)Zenith 6-D-525 "Toaster" (1941)Philco 90A (1931)Westinghouse H862N7 AM/FM (1962)Olympic Radio (1946)Arvin 542T (1947)
Gilfillan 402T (1930s)Emerson 179 (1940)RCA X2-HE (1959)Climax Q-69Western Radio 258-76277 (1935)Crosley Solid State AM/FM/iPod/AuxAirline 62-467 (1937)Detrola 3201 (1939)National SW-3 "Thrill Box" Model IIMajestic 62A (1938)
Silvertone 4569 (1938)Philco 41-255T (1941)General Electric 535 Clock Radio (1951)Relco KFA207RCA 128 (1934)Majestic 44 "Duo-Chief" Mini-Tombstone (1934)Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)Crosley 649 (1939)Philco 39-30 (1939)Emerson CV-313 w/Ingraham Cabinet
Tiffany Tone 156A (1937-38?)Sears Four-Band PortableRCA 114 (1933)Radio Lamp Corporation of America (1948)Setchell-Carlson 458R (1950)FADA 652 "Temple" CatalinZenith Royal 500 (Hand-Wired, 1956)Zenith 5-S-126 (1937)Trav-Ler T-200 (1959)Motorola 63C Clock Radio (1955)
Hitachi 666 (1957)Zenith R511-V "Broadway" (1954)Majestic 608 (1934)Majestic 44-B Mini Tombstone (1934)General Electric C400 (1946)Kadette Autime Clock Radio (1938)Stewart-Warner 9001F (1942)Belmont 6D120 "Rabbit" (1947)Philco 40-145T, Early Version (1940)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1952)
Silvertone 4563 (1936)Tele-Tone Clock Radio (1954)Silvertone 7241 by Detrola (1939)SSTRAN AMT5000 Premium AM Broadcast Band TransmitterZenith 829 Tombstone (1935)RCA BP-10 Personal Radio (1940/1941)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)Airline 62-310 (1938)Zenith L520W Clock Radio (1954)Curtis Mathes 2918A (1961)
RCA 16T3 (1940)Air King 4601Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Silvertone 6185 (1939)Zenith 6-S-223 (1938)Philco 50-920 (1950)Admiral 6Y18N Portable (1949)Wilcox-Gay A46 (1938)RCA 96T1 (1938)Olympic 440
Coronado C5D14 "Jewel" (1947)Zenith 6-S-152 Console (1937)Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)Admiral 6Q13-N (1949)Rogers-Majestic R451 Cathedral (1933-34)Simplex W "World" Tombstone (1935)General Electric 941 Clock Radio (1956)Zenith 9-S-232 Tombstone (1938)Air Castle 14-136EA (1938)RCA 26X1 (1941)
Kadette 76X (1937)Truetone D724 "Globetrotter" (1937)Airline 94WG-1804D (1949)Excaliber RD66 AM/FM/CD "Jukebox" (2006)Philco 49-900 (1949)Addison 5 Catalin (Canada)Emerson 543 (1948)Airline 62-256 (1937)Zenith Royal 16 (1967)Crosley 14-AG (1940)
Hallicrafters 5R10A (1951-54)Arvin 540T (1951)Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)Grundig 97 (1958)Packard-Bell 5DA (1948)Belmont 6-D-121 (1947)Military PP2352/UR Power SupplyMilitary RT-934A/GRC-168 WWII RadioMilitary Wireless Set 19 MK IIRCA 2-C-521 Clock Radio (1952)
Zenith Royal 500H (Hand-Wired, 1962)Zenith 2614Arvin 152T (1948)Atwater Kent 36 (1927)Freed-Eisemann FE-15 (1925)Hallicrafters S-38A (1946)Benrus 10B Clock Radio (1955)M&M Shower RadioStewart-Warner 126-2 Tombstone (1933)Bendix 526A (1946)
Zenith 9-S-30 Tombstone (1936)Setchell-Carlson "Cash Register" RadioDetrola 322 (1940?)Bendix 0526A (1946)Metrodyne Egyptian Super 7Raytheon T-2500 Transistor (1956)RCA 8-X-541 (1949)Philco 70 Cathedral (1933)Unknown RadioEmerson Fold Up Chest Radio
Radiola 20Emerson 336 (1940)Zenith 808 Tombstone (1934)Zenith Royal 2000 (1961)RCA 2-C-513 Portable Clock Radio (1952)General Television RadioSentinel 163UL (1939)Zenith 5-S-319 "Racetrack" Dial (1939)Zenith L516L "Sandman" Clock Radio (1964)RCA X-551 (1951)
Emerson Wondergram Phonograph (1960s)Philips 22-RS-274 AM/FM Clock Radio (1960s)Regal L-46 Ultradyne (1945)Emerson 713 (1955)RCA 9TX50 (1938)Zenith 6-D-2620 (1942)Admiral 4R12 Portable (1950)Mitchell 1261 (1949)Stewart-Warner 1301 Tombstone (1935)RCA 143 Tombstone (1933)
Setchell-Carlson Radio (1938)Arvin 2410P Portable (1948)Stewart-Warner R-169 (1936)Detrola 135E (1936)Old Parr Whiskey Bottle (1969)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)FADA 790 AM/FM (1948)Atwater Kent 206 (1934)Emerson 868 "Miracle Wand" Portable (1957)Philco 38-12 (1938)
Zenith R73J2 Portable (1970)Majestic GGH Horn SpeakerPhilco 620 Tombstone (1936)Atwater Kent 627 Cathedral (1932)Silvertone 9028 Clock Radio (1959)Setchell-Carlson 416 (1946)Detrola 3042 (1939)AM Microphone Advertising Radio (1960s)FADA 740 (1947)Zenith 7-S-232AT "Waltons" Tombstone (1939)
Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)Philco 50-926 AM-FM (1950)Falcon 6 TransistorBreting 42A (1935)Silvertone 6120 (1939)Grundig 88U (1961-64)Air King 4604D BC/SW (1946)Crosley 56-TA-L (1946)RCA 40X-56 "New York World's Fair" (1939)Airline 62-390 (1939)
Emerson 9LW344-2 (1940)RCA 128 Shouldered Tombstone (1934)Admiral 6Q12-N AM/FM (1949)Pilot B-1 (1941)Addison R5A3Crosley D-25 Clock RadioGeneral Electric 416 (1955)Majestic 161 Tombstone (1934)Temple G-513 (1947)Continental Edison D411 (1960s)
Philco PT-26 TransitoneAmico Mini Stereo BoomboxRemler 5 "Scottie" (1941)Emerson 510 (1946)Fleetwood 6 GlobeGeneral Electric F-40 (1938)Admiral 113-5A (1938)RCA X551 (1951)Abbotwares Horse RadioEmerson 833 Portable (1954)
Emerson 833 Portable (1954)Jackson-Bell CathedralEmerson AU-213 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1938)Firestone 4A25 (1947)Trav-Ler 442 (1936)Motorola 55X15 (1940)General Electric 115 (1948)Zenith 6-D-311 (1939)Philips BD254U AM/FM/SW/LWZenith Y-280A "the Aristocrat"
Gakken Vacuum Tube Radio Ver. 2Silvertone 4425 (1936)Motorola 5H11U (1950)Air Castle RadioGeneral Electric 515F Clock Radio (1951)RCA 6-XF-9 (1956)Sparton 506 "Bluebird" (1936)Zenith 6-D-610 (1941)General Electric 212 AM/FM (1949)Majestic 59 "Studio" Tombstone (1933)
Welbilt 2700 Early Cathedral (Replica)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Olympic 777Spirit of St. Louis "Field Transistor" AM/FM PortableZenith 6-S-527 (1941)Radio Shack 12-101 "Statue of Liberty" RadioEmerson A132 (1936)Admiral 5X12N (1949)General Electric 102 (1948)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1949)
Zenith 8G-005YTZ1 Trans-Oceanic (1948)Emerson 868 "Miracle Wand" Portable (1957)Admiral Y3321 (1963)Airline 74WG-1509BAirline 61-277 "Movie Dial" (1937)RCA 66X11 (1947)Packard-Bell 5R1 (1956)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Emerson BL200 (1938)Philco 41-220 (1941)
General Electric 221 (1947)Silvertone 6024 (1938)Arvin 450-TL (1950)RCA 6-XF-9 (1956)Panasonic 740 (1963)General Electric FE63 (1937)Stromberg-Carlson 320-H (1938)Zenith 7-S-633 (1942)Bulova 300 (1957)Crosley 5515 "Fiver" (1935)
Crosley E-15BE (1953)A.R.M. 53 Tombstone (1938)Detrola 7ZM Tombstone (1935)Panasonic RF-2200 Eight Band Portable - 1978Trav-Ler 5054 (1948)Majestic IS-49 "Melody Cruiser" (1940)Belmont 636 (1939)Stewart-Warner 1262 "Stuart" Tombstone (1933)Stromberg-Carlson 125-H (1937)Philco 456
Midwest HH7 "The Moderne" Tombstone (1936)Arvin 444Crosley 534 TombstoneEmerson G1707 (1963)FADA 845 "Cloud" (1946)Zenith Royal 755G (1959)RCA 16X2 (1941)Sonora Radio (1935)Western Electric 10-D Horn Speaker (1925)Packard-Bell AM/FM "Gilligan's Island Radio"
Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1952)General Electric 423 (1951)Admiral 25-G5Silvertone 225 Portable (1950)Silvertone 43 made by Mission Bell (1935)Philips BX-115 (1948)General Electric 100 (1946)Emerson 503 (1946)Crosley 9-122W (1949)Emerson G1705 Clock Radio
Emerson 652Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Olson Electronics (1947)Clinton Radio (1938)Colonial 301 Chrome Grille (1933)US Navy Radio REOSparton 10 Tombstone (1932)Westinghouse H-210 (1949)Zenith Royal 3000-1 (1962)Olympic 441 (1955)
Sony 3F-61W AM/FMDetrola 108 (1936)Stewart-Warner R-1262-A Tombstone (1935)RCA 8-PT-703 Portable Television (1956)Zenith 6D510 (1940)Zenith 8H034 AM/FM (1946)Westinghouse H-130 (1946)Tele-Tone 150 (1948)Philco 53-642 Portable (1953)Arvin 544R (1946)
Setchell-Carlson 427 (1947)Bendix 0526E (1946)Air Castle 206 by Tele-Tone (1951)Zenith 6-D-614 (1942)Philco 49-503 "Flying Wedge" (1949)Airline 25BR-1525 (1952)Bulova M-501 (1933)Zenith Royal 1000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)Olympic Opta Bella Luxus 5711W (1958)Admiral 5E22 (1950)
Westinghouse H-126 "Little Jewel" (1945)Kolster K110 Tombstone (1932)Silvertone 16 (1951)Belmont 6D14 (1947)Emerson 149 (1937)Sony 3FM-66W AM/FM (1970)Motorola 66T1 (1955)Crosley 11-115U "Serenader" (1951)FADA 790 Series B, AM/FM (1949)Hallicrafters S-38C communication receiver (1953)
Motorola 57-CD-3A Clock Radio (1957)General Electric F-63 (1937)Barbie AM/FM Clock/Radio (1962)Calfax I-R-1-2 Star Command Robot (1977)General Electric P-780E "Superadio"Federal 59 Regenerative ReceiverBendix 0636 (1947)General Electric 107 (1948)Majestic 2621 Tombstone (Canada, 1936)Atwater Kent 84 Cathedral (1931)
General Electric 115 (1948)Panasonic T-50 (Matsushita)Juliette MicroStromberg-Carlson 228 (1937)RCA X-552 (1951)Philco 20 "Baby Grand" Cathedral (1930)Arvin 61M Tombstone (1936)Admiral 23A6 (1940)Setchell-Carlson 588 (1939)Motorola X15A
Zenith Royal 76 Portable (1967)FADA 790 Series B AM/FM (1949)Abbotwares Z477 "Standing Horse" Radio (1947-49)Sentinel 212W (1941)Chicken Alarm Clock Radio by Gran PrixPhilco 40-135 (1940)Howard 307 (1940?)General Electric A-70 Tombstone (1935)General Electric M-61 (1934)Zenith Royal 500D (1957)
Zenith 6-D-311 (1939)RCA 6-XF-9E (1956)Silvertone 4566 (1939)Atwater Kent 206 (1934)Sparton 517 (1936)RCA 25X (1942)Airline TombstoneZenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)Philco 90A (1931)Majestic 75 Tombstone (1937)
Zenith C845 AM/FM (1959)Peerless SpeakerZenith 7-S-232 "Waltons" Tombstone (1939)Zenith R511-V "Broadway" (1954)Philco D-661 "Personal" Portable (1956)Sylvania 1102 "Phone Radio" (1956)Crosley 58TK (1948)Zenith Royal 500 (Hand Wired - 1956)Zenith Royal 500 (Hand Wired - 1956)General Electric 401 (1950)
Admiral 4L2A (1957)Zenith 6-A-223 (1939)Arvin 850T (1955)Silvertone 2016 (1956)Motorola C9B2 Clock Radio (1959)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)Philco 40-120 (1940)RCA 10T-1 Tombstone (1936)Philco 49-602 Transitone (1949)Atwater Kent 447 Tombstone (1933)
Emerson 134 Tombstone w/Ingraham Cabinet (1937)Austin A.Howard Model A (1935)Masco WEN (Wireless Electronic Nurse) AM Transmitter (1956)Zenith 7-S-530 (1941)Zenith 5-D-2611W (1942)RCA AM-8 Pocket TransistorRCA 121 (1933)Airline 84BR-1503 (1948)Philco 48-482 (1948)Detrola 320 (1940)
Sentinel 309W (1947)Philips 473 Clock Radio (1957)Marconi 359 (1954)Northern Electric 5404 Panda (1953)Northern Electric 5700 Baby Champ (1953)Stewart-Warner 482 (1940-41)Motorola C20BZ Clock Radio (circa 1955)Westinghouse H-598P4 Portable (1957)Gilfillan 56A (1946)Philco 52-548 (1952)
Delco R-1128 (1938)Zenith 10-S-464 Console (1940)Emerson 156 Tombstone (1938)Majestic "Charlie McCarthy" (1938)Western Electric 10-D Horn SpeakerZenith 5-S-320 (1939)
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