the Radio Attic

Radios sold at the Radio Attic in 2014

Here are the 925 radios sold in 2014 at the Radio Attic!
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Atwater Kent 725 Tombstone (1936)RCA 1-RA-45 1962Pacific Parco 50RCA C619 Clock RadioArvin 8561 (1955)Philco D597-125 (1955)Trav-Ler 55-39 (1954)Philco 48-230 "Flying Wedge" (1947)Philco E-814-124 - 1958Emerson 504
Atwater Kent 567 Cathedral (1932)Silvertone 6426 (1939)Philips B6X23A (1962)RCA 100 Cathedral (1933) SBE SB1-LA Linear Amplifier with ManualAtwater Kent 708 (1931)Truetone D-1002 (1939)Airline 84BR-1503 (1947)General Electric C3300A AM Retro Clock RadioRCA 3RF-91 AM/FM (1952)
Tonex KTR-1661 Multiband Portable (1965)Zenith J615Y (1952)Philco 52-940 (1952)Airline 35BR-1542A (1953)Admiral 7T10M-N with iPod ModZenith H615Y (1951)Majestic 5A430Crosley 11-303U "Riviera" Portable (1951)General Electric L-653 (1946)Telefunken Rondo 55 (1955)
Zenith T600 Trans-Oceanic (1955)Contec 8822AGeneral Electric 603 Portable (1950)General Electric 202 (1947)Philco 53-561 "Special Services" (1953)Zenith Royal 500H Gift Set (1961)Bulova 620 "Comet"Hallicrafters S-38D (1955)RCA 16T4 (1940)RCA 67QR63 (1957)
Philco 50-926 AM-FM (1950)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)RCA 66X11 (1947)Silvertone 8052 (1948)Emerson BF-214 (1938)Philco 51-532 (1951)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Silvertone 1589 Cathedral (1933)Balkeit 68 "Round the World" Tombstone (1935)
Kadette 68 TombstoneCrosley D25WE (1953)RCA 14X (1941)General Electric J-62 "The Treasure Chest" (1941)Detrola 302 "Teardrop" (1940)RCA PD-23 Stereo Phono (1959)RCA 56X, 1946Zenith H723Z (1950)Belmont 6-D-111 (1946)Healing L401E "Golden Voice" (1930s)
Philmore 205A Kit (1972)Emerson 659B AM/FM (1949)Atwater Kent 10 (4700) Breadboard Motorola 50X1 (1939)Silvertone 6407General Electric H-600 (1939)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)American Bosch 450 "Around the Globe" Tombstone (1936)Zenith R511-F "Broadway" (1954)Zenith R511-R "Broadway" (1954)
Motorola 5X1U (1950)Philco 38-7 ConsoleZenith 6-S-527 (1941)Emerson 587B (1949)Coronado 1170 Console (1936)Hallicrafters 8R40 (1950-1955)Zenith 6-D-316 (1939)Airline 62-194 Console (1936)Crosley 166 "Travo" (1936)Amplex Harmono-Sonic
General Electric 200 (1952)General Electric C-430A Clock Radio (1959)Motorola 55X11-A (1946)Sentinel 400TV Television (1948)Remler 42 (1936)Zenith 6-D-510 (1941)Radiola 61-7 (1947)Crosley 515 Tombstone (1935)Sylvania 3305TA Portable (1958)Aviola 601-612 (1946-47)
Philco 49-500Sparton 141A AM/FM (1950)Atwater Kent 206 Tombstone (1934)Emerson 581 (1949)Motorola 68X12Q (1949)Emerson DX-356 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1941)Stromberg-Carlson 225H (1937)Crosley 11-302 "Riviera" Portable (1951)Philco 37-60 Cathedral (1937)Airline Radio (1940)
Brunswick 10 (1920s-30s)Howard "SG-B" Cathedral (1930)Colonial 658 (1935)Herbert Horn "Tiffany Tone" 66 (1935)Westinghouse H338T5U (1951)General Electric JE-81 (1941)Coronado "Ranger" (1953)Majestic 5A410 (1946)Mini Juke Box AM/FM Radio Cassette (70s)Crosley 10-135 "Coloradio" (1950)
Firestone S-7397-5 (1942)Majestic TombstoneZenith Royal 500 (Hand Wired - 1956)RCA A21 (1940)Setchell-Carlson 416 (1946)RCA 86K Console (1937)RCA 2-XF-931 "Townley" (1953)Silvertone 6160 "Bullet" (1939)Monarch Mini TombstoneZenith Royal 500D (1958)
Crosley D-10BE "Dynamic Bullseye" (1951)Stewart-Warner R-1262 TombstoneTempo-Tone 500Selexatune RR56B Coin Operated RadioZenith LS "Zenette" (1931)Emerson 544S (1948)RCA RGC28W AM/FMZenith A424W "Cone of Sound"Stewart-Warner 1461 (1936)Stewart-Warner 435 Metal Speaker
Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)Sonora RBU-177 (1946)Truetone 277Westinghouse 785 (1939-Canada)Hallicrafters SX-71 (1953)Grunow 550 (1933)RCA 4QB Battery Radio (1940)Zenith 7-S-634 (1942)Fairbanks-Morse 9A Console (1937)Stewart-Warner 01-521 Tombstone (1939)
Prestodyne Battery Set (1920s)Automatic 440 (1940)Zenith 6-D-410 (1939)Crosley 9-104W (1949)Emerson 540 Midget (1947)Zenith 5-D-610 (1941)RCA 54B1-N Portable (1946)Stewart-Warner R-169 (1936)Zenith Royal 500H (1962)Zenith Royal 500 (Hand Wired - 1956)
Silvertone 4567 (1937)Cathedral Radio Music Box (1985)Grunow 576 (1937)Panasonic RF-626 AM/FMPhilco 70 Cathedral (1931)Belmont 5D-128 (1946)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)Admiral 6C2A (1954)Philco 39-25Zenith 6-D-015 (1946)
Silvertone 6406J (1939)Bendix 55P3U (1949)National Panasonic RF-1400 Portable (1965)General Electric 7-4100JA CathedralDetrola 139EAAdmiral 6T04-851 (1946)Airline 62-264 (1937)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)RCA 5X3 (1935)Zenith 6-D-628 (1941)
Echophone S-5 Cathedral (1932)Crosley J14 (1940)Bendix 753MX Clock Radio (1951)Stewart-Warner R-142A5 (1936)Zenith 5-R-327 Tombstone (1939)Firestone S-7402-8 (1942)McDonald's 1955-1985 Commemorative Transistor Radio (1985)Motorola 55x12-A (1946)Silvertone 15 (1951)FADA 845 "Cloud"" (1946)
Mantola 5Z (1934)Crosley 11-104 (1951)Zenith 6-S-254 "Teardrop" Console (1937)Philco 41-250 (1941)RCA 7BX9H Portable (1956)Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)Emerson BF-207 (1938)Air King 511-512 (1947)Airline 84BR-1507 (1948)American Bosch 430-T Tombstone (1936)
Delco R-1125Westinghouse WR-27 (1933)Emerson 117 "Butterfly" Tombstone (1936)General Electric 574 Clock/Radio (1954)Emerson CS-268 (1939)Meck DA-601 (1949)Philco 66 Tombstone (1934)FADA S-46B (1936)Zenith Royal 16 Box Set (mid-60s)Hoffman A-300 (1946)
Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Zenith Royal 500E1 (1964)Sony TR-818 "Super Sensitive" (1965)Zenith Royal 500H Gift Set (1962)Motorola C1N Clock Radio (1959)Grunow 501 (1933)Stewart-Warner "Varsity" (1939)RCA T10-1 Tombstone (1936)Air-Way 61 (1925)Motorola 53H (1954)
Stromberg-Carlson 225-H (1937)RCA 56X (1946)Graetz 1118 (1962)Blaupunkt DerbyMotorola 8X26S Transistor (1959)Airline 62-101 Console (1933)Packard-Bell 5DA (1947)General Electric RadioAmerican Bosch 660T (1936)DeWald B-401 (1948)
Olympic 440 (1950-51)Sonora RZU-222General Electric J-62 (1941)Zenith J615 (1952)Hoffman A300 (1946)Arvin 451TL (1950)Atwater Kent 145 (1934)Crosley 56T "Duette" (1947)Firestone S-7403-4 (1940)Zenith Royal 500E (1960)
Arvin 442 (1946)Zenith X385 "The Artiste" Clock Radio (1967)Motorola 56H4 "Turbine" (1956)Trimm Concert 80B Wood SpeakerPhilco 37-60B (Early) Cathedral (1936-37)Zenith Royal 500E-1 (1964)Emerson 149 (1938)Crosley 11-115U Serenader (1951)Silvertone 8000 (1948)Crosley 648 (1939)
Telefunken Operette 7 AM/FM (1956/57)RCA 4-RG-51Motorola 57-A (1957)Emerson R167 (1937)FADA 1000 Catalin (1945)General Electric 220 (1946)Arvin 617B "Rhythm Maid" (1937)Hallicrafters S-38 Shortwave Receiver (1946)Majestic Mantel Radio (1935)Zenith Royal 16 (1967)
Zenith Royal 16 (1967)Zenith Royal 265 (1963)General Electric T-150A (1960)Truetone D-1117 (1940)Zenith 6-S-527 (1941)Arvin 518 "Phantom Baby" (1937)General Electric L-513 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1940)Silvertone 4563 (1936)Coronado 15RA38-43-8236A Clock Radio (1951)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)
Airline 84-HA-3002B Television (1948)Westinghouse H334T7U (1951)Wilcox-Gay 6AC5 (1940)Silvertone 5016 (1955)Crosley 56-TD "Duette" (1947)Sonora WAU-243 (1939)Silvertone 4764 (1937)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Silvertone 4764 (1937)Philco 80 Jr Cathedral (1932)
Emerson AX-217 with Ingraham Cabinet (1937)Crosley 10-136E (1950)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Temple G-415 Portable (1948)Knight 5015Emerson FL-418 with Ingraham Cabinet (1941)Crosley Super 8 (1938)Motorola 63A (1939)Zenith 7H918 (1949)Automatic Tom Thumb "Buddy" Portable
Crosley 11-105U (1953)Zenith 10-A-1 Console (1937)Zenith K666 (1953)Hoffman 300/207 (1946)Zenith Royal 16 R-16Y1 Transistor (1960s)Zenith Royal 16 R-16Y3 Transistor (1960s)Zenith Y-600 Leather Trans-Oceanic (1956-57)FADA 209 (1947)RCA 4-RH-11 Pocket TransistorRCA 3-RH10 Pocket Transistor
Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Federal A-10 (1925)FADA 1005 (1947)Bristol F Amplifier (1923)Motorola B6N (1960)Zenith C845Y AM/FM (1959)Emerson 543 (1948)RCA X-551 (1951)Vogue "Bullet" (circa 1940)Stromberg-Carlson 225-H (1937)
Airline 62-131 Tombstone (1935)Crosley 11-103U (1953)Firestone 4-A-176FADA 790 Series B AM/FM (1949)Stewart-Warner 07-5R4 (1939)Emerson AX212 (1938)Emerson 106 (1935)Olympic 6-502 (1946)FADA P-100 (1946)General Electric GD62 (1937)
Majestic 5A410 (1946)Bendix 526 (1946)Browning Drake 5R "Regenaformer" (1927)Philco 40-120CRCA 66BX Portable (1947)Philco 49-607 Portable (1949)Crosley 11-101USuntone RR3000 AM/FMRCA RZC290W (1970)Westinghouse H-392T5 Clock Radio (1954)
Zenith L513C Clock Radio (1964)Silvertone 4505 (1936)Kent 422 (1940)Zenith Royal 16 Pocket TransistorRCA 8-X-541 (1949)Radio Shack 12-903 AM/FM PortableEmerson A130 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1935)Westinghouse RS11P28A "Escort" (1965)Panasonic RF-521 AM/FMZenith 6-S-362 (1938)
Zenith 9-S-367 (1938)Wilcox-Gay RadioPhilco 66B "Early" Tombstone (1934)Majestic 461 (1933)Grunow 460 Cathedral (1934)Westinghouse H-715T5 (1959)Truetone D-724 (1938)Stewart-Warner 9000B (1947)Zenith 5-D-811 "The Tournament" (1948)Philco 90 Cathedral (1933)
Zenith 5-R-316 (1937)Loewe Opta Luna 3743W (1958)Rogers-Majestic R553-3Motorola B6W (1959)Airline 35-GDC-998B Portable Phonograph (1954)Emerson AL-168 (1936)General Television & Radio 2A5 (1947)Philco 40-130 (1939)Emerson AX-217 (1938)Packard-Bell 532 Clock Radio
Crosley D-10RD (1951)Thomas TCP-109 "Museum Series" Sparton Mirror RadioRCA 3-RH22G Pocket TransistorGolden Shield 6-TR Pocket TransistorZenith Royal 500H (1962)RCA 68R3 (1946)RCA RLM50A Four Band PortableGrunow 460 Cathedral (1935)Westinghouse H488T5 Clock Radio (1955)Zenith 10-S-153 (1936)
Majestic 5A410 (1946)Lyric 546T (1946)Grundig 2355 (1962)RCA 7-BX-10 Strato-World (1955)Emerson 883 Clock RadioGeneral Electric H-500 "Turbine" (1939)Zenith 6-S-229 Tombstone Automatic D5 (1935)Raleigh Transistor Six (1962)Erla 271-A Cathedral / Tombstone with Clock (1931)
Majestic 75 Tombstone (1937)Philco 41-255T (1940-41)Silvertone 4660 (1938)Bulova 180 Clock Radio (1959)Zenith 8-S-631 (1941)Coronado 15RA-43-8365 "Westerner" (1952)Sony 3F-85W AM/FM TransistorZenith 12-S-471 Console (1940)Mickey Mouse Transistor RadioAir King 701 Manufactured For O'Neil's (1937)
Zenith 6-D-311 (1939)Airline 25WG-1570B AM/FM (1952)Silvertone 4565 (1936)Airline 62-288 "Miracle" (1937)Marshall 147 (1937)Sylvania 540 Tune-Riser Clock Radio (1951)FADA 209 (1947)Vintage 1931 Car RadioTrav-Ler T202 (1959)Philco 41-22CL Clock Radio (1941)
FADA 605 (1946)Bendix 55L3U (1949)RCA 140 Tombstone (1934)Emerson 868 "Miracle Wand" Portable (1957)Philco 41-280RCA 103 Tapestry Speaker (1925)Airline 14WG-628A (1941)Zenith 6-S-222 (1937)RCA 128 Tombstone (1934)FADA 740 (1947)
Aetna 550 (1936)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)General Electric L-633 (1942)General Electric K-82 Grandfather Clock Radio (1931)Setchell-Carlson 427 "Frog Eye" (1946)Zenith G730 (1959)RCA RZC-378W AM/FMDetrola 372 Portable (1940)Emerson 439 (1942)Philco 40-155 (1940)
Zenith Royal 800 (1956)General Electric Super Radio III AM/FMMotorola 6C26A Clock Radio (1957)Deluxe 45Northern Electric 5002 (1946)Philco 38-12 (1937)Stromberg-Carlson 1000JArvin 444 (1946)Aiwa AR-141 Portable (1970)Airline GEN-1473A
Airline 62-316 (1935)Emerson 833 Series-B Portable (1954)Silvertone 6424 (1939)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1949)Bush DAC-10 (1950)Zenith Royal 500 Deluxe (1959)Remler 64Stromberg-Carlson 325J (1938)Arvin 440T (1950)Westinghouse H126
Zenith RE-71JFerguson 7615 (1936)Philco 46-427 AM-Shortwave (1946)General Electric P2710G Pocket PortableMajestic 62A (1938)Delco R-1126 "The Companion" (1937)Crosley 10-135 (1950)Airline 62-425 (1937)Stromberg-Carlson C-1 Clock RadioZenith H723Z2 AM/FM
Remembrance "Console" TransistorGrundig-Majestic 1070 German RadioNordmende Elektra Hallicrafters S-38A Receiver (1946-47)Zenith 7G02 (1950)General Electric GD-41 (1938)Westinghouse H-122-ASony ICF-9580W AM/FM (1970)Emerson DB296 (1939)General Electric "World Monitor" Portable (1965)
Motorola 55X12A (1946)Majestic 5A430 (1946)General Electric 914-D Clock Radio (1957)General Electric 62 Clock Radio (1938)Zenith 6-S-223 (1938)Airline 351 (1938)Belmont 6D110Emerson 547-A (1947)Emerson CR-261 with Ingraham Cabinet (1938)Emerson 868 "Miracle Wand" Portable (1957)
Philco Mystery Box Remote Control (1941)Motorola 56R (1953)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Grundig-Majestic 2140U (1961)Crosley 66TC (1946)Zenith H511F "Racetrack" (1951)Gloritone CathedralPhilco 16B CathedralEmerson 713 (1955)Philco PT-69 (1939)
Philco 47-204 (1947)RCA 65X1 (1948)Silvertone 7054J (1947)Zenith 5-D-011Z Consoltone (1946)Belmont 638 "Early" Rabbit (1940)Atwater Kent 90 Cathedral (1931)Philco 46-1203 Radio/Record Player (1946)Airline 62-425 "Indian Head" (1937)Zenith H480W Clock Radio (1970s)Zenith 6D2620-N (1942)
Military BC684-A WWII TransmitterAirline 62-325 (1939)Windmill Transistor RadioMilitary T368F/URT Transmitter (WWII era)Westinghouse H-171 (1948)Packard-Bell 5R1 (1956)Bumper Car AM/FM Radio (1980s)Airline 94BR-1525 (1949)DeForest Crosley "Yukon" (1937)Airline GKM703 Radio Record Player (1950-51)
Mickey Mouse Record Player (with Records)Philco 53-566 Transitone (1953)Trav-Ler A502 (1937)Penncrest 1151 (1960s)Panasonic 730 (1955)Philco 46-350 (1946)Sentinel 335-P (1950)General Electric 123 (1949)Zenith 6-S-511 (1941)Emerson 108 (U5A) Mini Tombstone (1936)
Zenith Royal 50-L (1962)Silvertone 9001 (1949)Zenith L600 Trans-Oceanic (1955)Remler 21-3 "Minuette" Cathedral (1932)Kadette/International 65 AM/Shortwave (1930s)Audiola 13T5 Cathedral (1931)Mirror-Tone 4F8 (1948)Zenith 6-D-014 (1946)Mantola R400 (1938)Zenith 6-D-410 (1949)
Airline 14BR-525A (1941)Silvertone 8000 (1949)Zenith R600 Trans-Oceanic (1955)Troubador RadioHallicrafters S-38B Shortwave Receiver (1947-53)Sonora WAU-243 (1947)Zenith Royal 275 (1959)RCA 66X11 (1947)Emerson 653B (1950)Benrus Clock Radio (1955)
Philco 46-350 PortableGuild 484 Spice ChestFADA 845 (1947)RCA 66X1 (1946)Westinghouse H744T4 (1956)Airline 84BR-1517A (1948)Zenith Royal 400 Gift SetZenith Royal 250 (1959)RCA 9X571 (1949)Zenith Royal 400 (1961)
Truetone D-1015 ReplicaNational Panasonic R-355 (1960)Telechron 8H59 "Musalarm" Clock Radio (1950)Automatic P-57 Portable (1959)Emerson AX-211 "Little Miracle" (1938)Firestone Air Chief S7398-3 "The Cosmopolitan"Zenith Royal 16 R-16J Transistor (1960s)Telefunken 5161W "Jubilate" (1961)Sony TFM-825 AM/FM TransistorZenith T-600 Leather Trans-Oceanic (1956)
RCA 1-TP-2J Pocket TransistorSony TR-830 TransistorDelco R-1126 "The Companion" (1937)Emerson BM-215 (1937)Vista 640 AM/FM/SWGeneral Electric 356 AM/FM (1959)Zenith 5G003 "Holiday" Portable (1947)Emerson AX-211 "Little Miracle" (1938)Crosley D-25-BE (1953)Crusader 468 (1936)
Arvin 617A "Rhythm Maid" (1937)FADA 845 "The Cloud" (1950)FADA 790 Series B AM/FM/Phono (1949)Photo Cube RadioLittle John RadioZenith Royal 265 (1962)Zenith Royal 755M Leather Portable (1965)Philco 48-230 "Flying Wedge" (1948)Admiral 5C41Silvertone 6407 (1940)
Hoffman A300 (1946)FADA 175A (1924)Philco 42-PT3 (1942)Arvin 518 "Phantom Baby" (1936)Zenith Royal 200 (1958)Westinghouse H400-P4 Portable (1952)Philco 47-204 (1947)Philco 48-206 (1948)Tele-Tone 322 Television (1950)Mission Bell 408 (1939)
Philco 37-610 (1937)Hallicrafters S-85 Receiver (1954-1959)Zenith 6-D-615 (1942)Stewart-Warner 9162-D Clock Radio (1952)RCA 65X2 (1946)Delco R-1151 (1939)Philco 38-5B "Baby Grand" Cathedral (1938)Sparton 6A66 (1946)Emerson 520 Catalin (1946)Airline 54BR-1503A (1945)
Zenith Y164C Clock Radio (1960)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Silvertone 4769 (1937)Bendix 110 (1948)Zenith L-600 Leather Trans-Oceanic (1954)Military AM-6155/GET-22 RF AmplifierHoffman A-200 (1946)Grimes (Canada) "Serenader" (1934)Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Crosley 148 Cathedral (1931)
Zenith Z-733 AM/FM Clock Radio (1955)Guild TK-1577 "Teakettle" Novelty Radio (1959)Admiral 7T10M-NCrosley 56PA PortableZenith 5-D-610 (1941)Stromberg-Carlson 1500-H (1946)Majestic 6BO2D (1948)Airline 1527Howard 906-SBPhilco 53-701 (1953)
Zenith 5-S-218 Cube (1937-38)Midwest CC-18 Console (1936)Silvertone 4783 Chairside (1937)General Electric C403D Clock Radio (1965)Zenith 7-S-433 "Zephyr" (1940)Crosley 6V2 (1934)Sony ST-80W AM/FM TunerZenith AM/FM Radio, Chassis HO422 (1964)Westinghouse H126 "Little Jewel" (1945)Zenith Royal 500H (1961)
Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)Emerson 157 (1937)Firestone S-7403-4 (1940)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)E.H. Scott PhantomCrosley 676Zenith 4G903 "Tip-Top Holiday" Portable (1950)Parmak PMB6 (1938)
Majestic 6T120 (1947)Emerson 729B (1955)Westinghouse H790P6 (1961)Capehart T522 (1953)Silvertone 4575 (1937-38)Airline 93WG602 (1939)Admiral 5G22 (1951)Emerson EC-374 (1940)Silvertone 10 Clock Radio (1952)Realistic 12-1563 (1980s)
Emerson 652 (1950)Newcomb AV700AMZenith 6-D-815 (1948)Zenith T522G Clock Radio (1954)Zenith 6-D-312 "Beehive" (1939)Zenith 6-D-414Truetone D-2015 (1939)Emerson 179 (1940)Emerson RadioZenith 6_V-27 Tombstone (1936)
Emerson RadioMilitary DY-80/URR Dynamotor Power SupplyZenith Royal 500D (1958)Truetone D-727 (1939)Zenith T2542 (1963)Packard-Bell 46D Chairside (1938)Sparton 618 Tombstone (1936)Sparton 059K (1938/39)Air Castle 5000 (1938)Stewart-Warner 169A Cube (1938)
Detrola 134 (1938)Zenith T522G Clock Radio (1954)Sparton 342 (1953)Emerson 540 (1947)Crosley 56TX (1946)Zenith 6-D-525 "Toaster" (1941)Silvertone 4763 (1938)Firestone Air Chief S-7403-4 (1940)RCA 2-C-514 (1952)Majestic 5A410 (1946)
Sony 8RC-54 Clock Radio (1970)Zenith Royal 50 (1961)Sparton 616M Tombstone (1935)General Electric L650 (1942)Zenith 6-D-2615 (1941)Radiette 50 (1933)Hallicrafters S-38D (1955)Jukebox Radio (1997)Philco 37-610B Tombstone (1937)Westinghouse H-420T5 Clock Radio (1954)
Sonora WAU-243 (1939)Howard 901ARCA 96T1Temple "Air Column 15" SpeakerSonora SpeakerStromberg-Carlson SpeakerMarwol Console Grande DC RadioGeneral Electric P975A Portable (1964)Remler 5300 Radio Record Player (1947)General Electric 419
Crosley 11-113UPhono Trix Transistor Tape Recorder (1960)J.C. Penney 681-3886 AM/FM Cassette (1980s)Sparton 538 Tombstone (1936)Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)Arvin 618 "Phantom Junior" (1937)Detrola 148 Tombstone (1938)Silvertone 220 Portable (1954)Westinghouse H-104 (1946)Emerson 724 Series D Clock Radio (1953)
Jewel 505 "Pin-Up" Clock Radio (1947)Motorola 57CS-2A Clock Radio (1957)Motorola 5C13B Clock Radio (1957)Sentinel 1U329 (1950)Zenith 6-D-029 (1946)Federal 110 ReceiverEmerson 25A (1932)RCA Victor 3RH10 (1960)Emerson 511 (1947)Philco B-572 (1953)
Zenith 6-S-229 Tombstone (1937)Bendix 636A (1947)Zenith 6-S-128 Tombstone (1936)Zenith L-721 (1954)Barbie AM/FM Clock/Radio (1962)Philco 90 Cathedral (1933)Air Castle V-1030 (1938)Philco 41-250 (1941)Delco R1227 (1947)RCA 3-BX-671 "Stratoworld" (1954)
Silvertone 1 (1950)Crosley F-5RD "Graduate"Zenith 7-S-363 Console (1939)Zenith 12-S-568 Console (1941)Stewart-Warner 325Nordmende Traviata 58Pilot T601 FM Tuner (1947)Trav-Ler T-202Zenith 50 Transistor Radio (1960)Bendix 526A
Zenith Royal 500D (1957)Emerson 124 (1936)Colonial 400 (1933)Crosley 648A (1939)Crosley G165 (1946)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1949)Bendix 114 (1946)FADA 605 (1946)Detrola 219 "Super Pee Wee" (1938)Crosley 11-103U (1951)
Motorola 57-CD-4A Clock Radio (1957)Aria 135E (1938)Silvertone 4663 (1937)Arvin 517 "Rhythm Junior" (1936)Emerson 176E Tombstone (1936)Silvertone 4763 (1938)Zenith 12-S-265 Console (1938)Musette 52 (1931)Air Castle 14-136EA (1938)Airline 84GSE-3011A Television (1948)
Zenith T600 Trans-Oceanic (1954)General Electric 220 (1946)Sentinel 286PR Portable (1947)Motorola 5C12M Clock Radio (1959)Motorola 6C26 Clock Radio (1958)Technics SL-D1 Turntable (1980)General Electric "Musaphonic" Clock Radio (1958)Fleetwood GlobePhilco "Philcophone" Intercom System (1937)Crosley 56-TU
Zenith G725Zenith Royal 500D (1958)Zenith Royal 500D (1958)Emerson TS (1932)Emerson 543 (1947)Mitchell 1250 "Lullabye" Bed Lamp Radio (1949)Philco 49-607 (1949)Pilot T601 Pilotuner FM Tuner (1947)Emerson 543 (1947)Stromberg-Carlson 1500H (1951)
Silvertone 8215 Portable (1956)Stromberg-Carlson 225-H (1936)Philco 37-62 (1937)Emerson 559AA (1948)Zenith A600 Trans-Oceanic (1957)Crosley 56-TD "Duette" (1947)Stewart-Warner 1163Emerson 516-A (1947)Detrola T-2 "Egyptian" (1938)Emerson 547 (1947)
Mitchell 1250 "Lullaby" Radio/Bed Lamp (1949)Wine Barrel Transistor RadioOld World Globe Transistor (1960s)Randix CR-57 "57 Chevy" Portable (1991)General Electric 201 (1946)Radio Shack 12-902 Budweiser AM/FMFirestone S-7398-1 "Beaumont" (1941)Motorola 5C Clock Radio (1950)Silvertone 6320 (1940)Coronado 578 Tombstone (1936)
Champion SPR-910 (Spark Plug) AM Radio (1963)Zenith 5-S-126 "Cube" (1937)Standard Model "A" Phonograph w/25 RecordsAmerican Bosch WR204 Tombstone (1935)Majestic 20 Cathedral (1931)Grundig YB400PE "Yachtboy"KLH 11 Portable Stereo (1962)Stewart-Warner R116 (1933-34)RCA 140 Tombstone (1934)KLH Twenty-One FM Radio (1965)
RCA 10T-1 Tombstone (1936)Liberty Bell RadioPhilco Cathedral Replica TransistorModel T Ford Transistor RadioZenith Royal 500H (1962)Symphonic 351 Portable PhonographPhilco 66B Tombstone (1935)Silvertone 6177A (1939)Zenith Royal 500Zenith 7-S-633 (1941)
RCA 9TX-1 (1939)Bulova 660 "Hercules" (1959)Clinton Radio (1937)Detrola 101 (1935)General Electric L-633 (1946)Detrola 136-X (1937)Temple G-419 (1948)Detrola 139E (1938)Philco PT-61 "Pagoda" (1939)Philips 22RS-274/42R Clock Radio (1960s)
Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1952)Zenith Royal 500E (1959)Zenith 9-S-367 Console (1939)Zenith R521-F Clock Radio (1954)Motorola 53LC1 Portable (1953)Minerva W117 "Tropic Master" (1945)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Howard 901 (1946)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1939)Stromberg-Carlson 235H (1937)
Trav-Ler 5060 (1950)RCA 4T Cathedral (1935)Silvertone 9000 (1949)Echophone EC-1 (1940-1946)Motorola 5C22P Clock Radio (1957)Zenith M-403 "Zenette" Portable (1954)Fairbanks-Morse 8L (1939)Zenith Royal 50K Gift Set (1962)Zenith Royal 500H (1961)Motorola 6X (1950)
Silvertone 9000 (1949)Admiral 6Y18N (1949)Crosley 56TP-L Radio-Record Player (1946)Woolaroc 3-1A (1946)Philco 90 Cathedral (1933)Zenith 7-S-554 ConsoleWindsor MR-7 Microphone Radio AM/FMZenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)General Electric J-82 Cathedral (1933)Emerson 250 (1933)
Sentinel 332 (1949)Detrola Radio (1936)RCA 3-BX-671 "Strato-World" Portable (1955)Crosley E-15 TN "Buick Front" (1953)Olympic 441 (1954)Westinghouse H-436T5 (1955)Westinghouse H598P4 Portable (1957)Philco 39-30 (1939)Hallicrafters S-38B (1947)Marantz 2220 Receiver (1970s)
Westinghouse RA/DA or RC (1922)Zenith 805 Cathedral (1934)Radiola 61-1 (1947)Crosley 517 TombstoneCrosley E-10 (1953)RCA AVR-1 Tombstone (1934)Emerson 706 (1952)Zenith Royal 400 (1961)Pilotuner T601 FM Converter (1947)Emerson CF-255 "Emersonette" (1939)
Crosley 11-126 (1951)Zenith Royal 25-1 (1966)Stromberg-Carlson 402-H Portable (1939)Stromberg-Carlson 230R-1 Chairside (1937)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)Stewart-Warner R-144-AS (1936)Stewart-Warner R-180A (1938)Westinghouse H871N6 "Danish Modern" (1965)Yaesu YM-24 Speaker MicrophoneSanta Maria Transistor Radio
Locomotive Transistor RadioKnights Helmet Transistor RadioAtwater Kent 735 Cathedral (1935)Zenith Royal 500B (1956)First Act M2A-110 Guitar AmpGeneral Electric J-80 Cathedral (1932)Royal Five Tube Super (1950s)Pacific 40MD1 (1939)Silvertone 4463 (1938)Zenith Z-733 AM/FM Clock Radio (1956)
Zenith Royal 50 (1960)Zenith Royal 50K (1962)Motorola 53X3 (1954)Zenith Z510-G (1956)Zenith 6-D-629 (1942)FADA 605 (1946)Stewart-Warner 07-5R4 (1939)Grunow 750 "World Cruiser" Tombstone (1934)Panasonic RF-2600 Multiband Portable (1979-1981)Detrola 568 "Aria" (1946)
Emerson 581A (1947)Blonde Doll Radio (1960)Empress 55 "Chalet" (1946)General Television 534 "Grand Piano" (1939)Philco 80 Jr Mini Cathedral (1933)Crosley CR-18 "Empire"RCA 16X14 (1940)RCA 45X2 (1940)Grunow 502 (1937)Detrola 282 Pee-Wee Portable
Panda Bear RadioAtwater Kent 37 Desk Radio (1928)Philco Radio (ca 1940)Motorola 68X11Q (1949)Crosley Bullseye (1951)Admiral 113-5A (1938)Philco 60MB Tombstone (1934)Rola Speaker (1920s)Radio Shack DX-390 (1993)Airline 04BR-729A (1940)
ICP 501 Transistor (1970s)Jade 2215 AM/FM Pocket Transistor (1969)Soundesign 1177 Pocket Transistor (1970)Viscount 601 Pocket Transistor (1963)Silvertone 6002 (1947)Zenith M660 (1964)Radiola 513 (1940)Zenith K526 (1953)Arvin 440T (1950)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)
Climax "Emerald" (1938)Crosley 66TC "American Overseas" (1946)Detrola 146 (1938)Sparton 612 (1938)Coca-Cola Cooler by Randix (1989)
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